Korean War

Cards (29)

  • The Korean War was a tragedy for the Korean people
  • The Korean Peninsula was effectively controlled by Japan from 1905 to 1945
  • At the end of WWII, Russian military forces were in the north of Korea and US military forces were in the south
  • The country was divided along the 38th parallel
  • In 1948, separate governments were set up in the north and south of Korea
  • Kim Il Sung
    Took power in communist North Korea
  • Syngman Rhee

    Won disputed elections in South Korea
  • Both Kim Il Sung and Syngman Rhee advocated reunification of the Korean Peninsula
  • Syngman Rhee's government was authoritarian and corrupt, and unpopular with many South Koreans
  • Many South Koreans actually voted for unification with the communist north in 1949
  • The US forces withdrew from South Korea in 1949
  • The US refused to supply the South Korean army with advanced military equipment, giving the North a military advantage
  • In June 1950, North Korean troops invaded the South with the objective of reuniting the Korean Peninsula by force
  • Truman believed the North Korean invasion was centrally directed by Moscow and a test of US containment policy
  • The US was worried about the spread of communism, including China's unification under Mao and the USSR's acquisition of the atomic bomb
  • The UN Security Council authorised a UN Expeditionary Force to aid South Korea, as the USSR was boycotting the UN at the time
  • Initially, the North Korean attack was successful, pushing back the UN forces to the Pusan area
  • In September 1950, the US launched a successful breakout and amphibious assault at Incheon, pushing the North Koreans back to the 38th parallel
  • Truman authorised US and UN forces to push into North Korea, with the objective of rolling back communism
  • China warned the US not to approach the border, but MacArthur ignored the warnings and pushed to the Yellow River
  • In October 1950, Chinese forces intervened and overwhelmed the UN forces, forcing them to retreat back over the 38th parallel
  • MacArthur advocated using atomic bombs and invading China to defeat communism, but Truman rejected this aggressive strategy
  • After a bloody stalemate, an armistice was finally agreed in July 1953
  • North Korea invaded South Korea on the 25th June 1950
  • The USSR had its own sphere of influence, which included North Korea
  • The USA sent troops to defend South Korea against the invasion by North Korea
  • Truman's policy of containment meant that he would stop any expansion of Soviet power into other countries
  • Truman's containment policy aimed to prevent Soviet expansion by supporting anti-communist governments around the world
  • China entered the war in November 1950