Executing mathematical calculations faster and more accurately than humans
Ability to process millions of instructions per second
Operations performed in micro and nano seconds
Measure in gigahertz and megahertz
Output results never differ unless input varies
Consistent results for similar sets of data
Conducting tasks automatically after instructions are programmed
Replacing thousands of workers
Performing different types of tasks with the same accuracy and efficiency
Storing millions of records
Measured in Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, and Terabytes
Built-in primary memory
Low chances of errors occurring
Errors caused by incorrect human input
Computer at the front-line of current processing capacity, particularly speed of calculation
Used for intense numerical calculations like weather forecasting, fluid dynamics, nuclear simulations, theoretical astrophysics, and complex scientific computations
Mainframe Computer
Computer capable of handling and processing very large amounts of data quickly
Calculation speed of millions to tens of millions instructions per second
Can respond to hundreds of millions of users
Used in large institutions like government, banks and large corporations
Minicomputer (Mid-range Computer)
Multi-user computers in the middle range of the computing spectrum
Small in scale, simple in structure, easy to maintain, and low in cost
Used in universities, scientific research institutions and industrial control fields
Microcomputer (Personal Computer)
Computer based on single chip microprocessors
Became the most common type of computer in the late 20th century
Small size, convenient use, low production cost, and low price
Computing speed of hundreds of thousands to millions instructions per second
Workstation Computer
High-end personal computer between microcomputers and minicomputers
Equipped with large-capacity memory, external storage, and large-screen displays
Strong data processing and graphics processing capabilities
Used for professional applications like engineering design, animation production, scientific research, software development, financial management, information services, analog simulation
CharlesBabbage: 'Mathematician and inventor, known as the father of the computer'
AdaLovelace: 'Met Charles Babbage at age 17, became his friend and studied advanced mathematics under his mentorship<|>Fascinated by Babbage's ideas, including the difference engine and analytical engine'