Straight after witches: still not "if chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir"
"I am in bloodstepp’d in so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er" – Macbeth realises he has gone too far on the route to power and may as well continue
Macbeth: Manipulation
He is both affected by manipulation and a manipulator himself
Lady Macbeth manipulates him near the start to commit Duncan’s murder "When you durst do it, then you were a man" ; "Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t"
Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth into thinking that Duncan’s murder was okay "A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight" ; "consider it not so deeply […] it will make us mad"
Macbeth manipulates murderers by telling them Banquo is a threat: "Both of you know Banquo is your enemy"
Macbeth: Appearance vs Reality
Attempts to stay looking brave and noble whilst hiding his "Black and Deep desires"
Valiant and loyal warrior but really he has a desire for power "Brave Macbeth—well he deserves that name"
Act 2 Scene 1: presents himself as a gracious host but in reality is planning Duncan’s murder
After Duncan’s death, Macbeth presents himself as in control as the king but in reality he is wrestling with guilt etc. "O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife"
Macbeth: Great Chain of Being / Divine Right of Kings
Macbeth disrupts natural order and this causes problems
Disruption of leads to break down in relationship and everything else – despair: "And that which should accompany old age […] I must not look to have"
Macbeth: Ambition
Transition from "Brave Macbeth" to "Tyrant" and "Dead Butcher"
Fuelled by promises of the witches and encouragement from Lady Macbeth
"Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires"