What are the 2 main sub-systems of the nervous system?
Centralnervoussystem and peripheralnervoussystem
What is the peripheral nervous system (PNS) made up of?
Millions of neurones which carry electrical impulsesto and from the CNS
What are the 2 sub-divisions of the PNS?
1, The Autonomicnervoussystem (ANS) = parasympathetic and sympatheticnervoussystem 2, The somaticnervoussystem (SNS)
What is the role of the somatic nervous system?
To controlvoluntarymovements and deals with skeletalmuscles
What is the role of the autonomic nervous system?
To controlinvoluntarymovementsand deals with smooth muscles and glands
What is the autonomic nervous system sub-divided into?
Sympathetic and parasympatheticsystems
What is the role of the sympathetic nervous system?
To increasebodilyactivities and mobilizebody for fight or flight
What is the role of the parasympathetic system?
Restores the body to restinglevels and conservesenergy
What is the role of the brain and the spinal cord in the CNS?
1, Brain = governs our consciousawareness and coordinatessensation, intellectual and nervous activity 2, Spinal cord = receivesinformationto and from brain and responsible for reflex actions