What does chlorophyll do and where is it located in the cell?
Located in the chloroplast, absorbs light energy
What are accessory pigments?
chlorophyll b and carotenoids, light absorbing compounds
What colours of light are absorbed by chlorophyll?
red and blue
What is the chemical equation that occurs in chloroplasts?
6CO2 + 6H2O = C6H12O6 + 6O2
Which of the five kingdoms have cells containing chloroplasts?
Where does the light dependent phase of photosynthesis take place?
What are the inputs and outputs of the lightdependentphase of photosynthesis?
inputs= sunlight, h2o, NADP+, ADP
outputs= NADPH, ATP, o2
Where does the light independent stage of photosynthesis occur?
the stroma
What are the inputs and outputs of the lightindependentstage of photosynthesis?
inputs= NADPH, CO2, ATP
outputs= NADP+, ADP +Pi, Glucose
Where does the oxygen produced in photosynthesis come from?
Within the cell, the water is oxidized and loseselectrons, transforming the water into oxygen
What are the loaded coenzymes that enter the light-independent stage of photosynthesis?
Where does carbonfixationoccur in c4plants?
mesophyll cells
What is carbonfixation?
the incorporation of carbon into organiccompounds by living organisms
Where does carbon fixation occur in CAM plants?
through the stomataopening
What is photorespiration?
the process in which plants absorb oxygen and release carbondioxide , the opposite process to photosynthesis
Where does malate generated by c4 and CAMplantsgoafter it is produced?
What two benefits to agriculture does CRISPRCAS9 aim to produce ?
increasecropyield and photosynthesisefficiency
What are the limitingfactors of photosynthesis?
lightintensity, carbondioxideconcentration and temperature
What does the plateau of the lightsaturationcurve represent?
peak of photosynthesisefficiency is reached
Why do plants have an optimumtemperature for performingphotosynthesis?
as it is an enzymecontrolledprocess
Do all organisms conduct cellularrespiration?
yes, excluding some bacteria
What is the word equation that occurs in the mitochrondria?
glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + energy (ATP)
Which of the five kingdoms of cells have mitochrondria?
Animals, plants, fungi and protists
Where does glycolysis occur?
What are the inputs and outputs of glycolysis?
inputs = Glucose, ADP, NAD+
outputs= Pyruvate, ATP, NADH
Where does the Krebs cycle take place in the mitochondria?
Matrix, inner compartment of mitochrondria
What are the inputs and outputs of the krebscycle?
inputs= Acetyl CoA, pyruvate, NAD+, FAD, ADP + Pi
outputs= carbon dioxide, NADH, FADH2, ATP, Acetyl coA
What are the twoloadedcoenzymes in the krebscycle?
Where does electrontransportoccur in the mitochrondria?
Inner membrane of mitochrondria (cristae)
What are the inputs and outputs of the electrontransportchain?
inputs= glucose, oxygen, NADH, FADH2
outputs= Carbondioxide, water, NAD, FAD, ATP
What are the factors that affect the rate of cellularrespiration?
Temperature, glucose and oxygenavailability
How does temperatureaffect the rate of cellularrespiration?
decreased temperature - decreased movement, decreased enzyme substrate collision, decreasedreactionrate
Increasedtemperature from optimal- denaturesenzymes, preventsenzymesubstratecomplexforming: activesiteislost
How does glucoseavailabilityimpactcellularrespiration?
increasedreactionrate, increasedcollisions - increased until enzyme saturation point
How does oxygenavailabilityimpactcellularrespiration?
increased reaction rate
If we decreaseelectrons and loadedcoenzymesaccumulate, decreases previous reactions and overallreaction
HowmanymoleculesofATP are produced through glycolysis?
Howmanymolecules of ATP are produced through the krebscycle?
Howmanymolecules of ATP are produced through the electrontransportchain?
What is a coenzyme?
a small organicmolecule that combines with an enzyme and is necessary for its activity
What is the difference between a loaded and unloadedcoenzyme?
loadedcoenzymes have protein/electron/molecule, highenergy state but unloadedcoenzymes can acceptproton, electron, molecule and are in a lowenergy state
What are two loadedcoenzymes used in photosynthesis?