The process of encoding, storing and retrieving previously encountered information.
Attkinson-Shriffin multi-store model of memory
Model that outline the three seperate stores of memory.
Sensory Memory
Store of memory which briefly stores raw information.
Short Term Memory (STM)
Store of memory that stores a limited amount of information that is consciouslt being attended to and actively manipulated.
Process of converting information into a useable form.
Long Term Memory(LTM)
Store of memory in which a potentially unlimited amount of information is stored for a relatively permanent amount of time.
Retention of information over time.
Process of accessing information that has been stored in the LTM and brining it into conscious awareness (LTM).
Explicit (declarative) Memory
Type of long-term memory that is consciously retrieved.
Semantic Memory
Type of explicit memory for general knowledge and facts.
Episodic Memory
Explicit memory for personal experiences and events.
Implicit Memory
Type of long term memory that is unconsciously retrieved.
Procedural Memory
Implicit memory involving completing tasks facilitated by motor skills.
Classically Conditioned Memory
Implicit memory involving a response. (classical conditioning)
Encodes and consolidates explicit memories.
Encodes emotional part of memories. (implicit and explicit memories0
Stores explicit memories.
Basal Ganglia
Encodes and storesimplicit memories
Encodes and stories implicit procedural memories.
Autobiographical Events
Personally lived experiences
Possibly imagined futures
Hypothetical experiences and situations that an individual has the ability to create and conceptualise in their mind.
Neurodegenerative Disease
Progressive loss of neurons in the brain.
Alzheimer's Disease
Memory decline due to loss of neurons in the brain.
Aria of tissue thats been damaged due to disease.
Amyloid plaques
Accumulation of Beta amyloids that forms plaques which inhibits communication between neurons.
Neurofibrillary Tangles
Accumulation of protein tau that forms tangles within the neuron preventing the transportation of essential substances that eventually kills the neuron.
Lack of ability/capability to generate mental imagery.
Mental Imagery
Visual representative of sensory information without the presence of sensory stimuli.
Written Traditions
Practices in which knowledge, stories and customs are preserved and shared through wirting and reading.
Devices/techniques that aid with the encoding, storage and retrieval of information.
First letter of item formed a pronounceable word.
First letter of items create a phrase, rhyme or poem.
Method of Loci (Memory palace)
Converts items to mental images and associates with a location.
Oral Traditions
Practices in which knowledge, stories and customs are preserved and shared through spoken word and movement.
Sung Narratives
Using singing, harmony, and rhythm to share important cultural, ecological and survival information.
Multimodal performance conducted as a family or community travels through country and spaces in the landscape that records journey, links important sites and decribed way to live and care for and nurture country.