type of circulation that delivers oxygen to all body cells and carries away waste
Pulmonary Circulation
type of circulation that eliminates carbon dioxide via the lungs and oxygenates blood
Oxygenated blood is pumped to all body tissues via the?
pulmonary arteries
deoxygenated blood is pumped to the lungs via?
vena cava
deoxygenated blood returns to heart via?
pulmonary veins
oxygenated blood returns to heart via?
true/false: the vein has a valve and artery does not
Warm to touch
Normal temperature
2-3 seconds or less
normal capillary refill time
true/false: normally lymph nodes are non-palpable
what pulse should be palpated when arterial insufficiency is suspected
Allen test
Test used to assess collateral blood flow to the hands?
palpable lymph nodes may indicate?
Buerger’s test
test for arterial insufficiency
homan’s sign
test for thrombophlebitis
homan’s sign
this test is done by firmly and abruptly dorsiflex the ankle which may result in calf pain or resistance of ankle and knee (when positive)
grade for a 2mm pitting edema
grade for a 4mm pitting edema
grade for a 6mm pitting edema
grade for a 8mm pitting edema
name of pulse when its not palpable and no waveform
weak or thready
this pulse is characterized by a 1+ intensity, may wax and wane, may be difficult to find
this pulse is characterized by an intensity of 4+, pulse is very easily observed in arterial locations near surface of skin, it is also very easy to palpate and difficult to obliterate with pressure of finger tips
this pulse is characterized by two systolic peaks with a dip in between
pulsus alterans
alternating strong and weak pulse with equal interval in between
pulsus bigeminus
alternating strong and weak pulses but the weak pulse comes in early after the strong pulse
pulsus paradoxus
reduced intensity of pulse during inspiration versus expiration
Watson’s Water-Hammer Pulse or Corrigan’s Pulse
Type of pulse characterized by a rapid systolic upstroke and no dicrotic notch secondary to rapid collapse
Pulse is characterized by a difference in intensity or amplitude between right and left pulses
Arterial insufficiency
inadequate circulation in the arterial system usually because of a buildup of fatty plaque or calcification of the arterial wall
the condition when arterial insufficiency causes pain in the thigh, calf, or buttocks
Arterial aneurysm
is a bulging or dilation caused by a weakness in the walol of an artery
venous insufficiency
is the inadequate circulation in the venous system usually because of incompetent valves in deep veins or a blood clot in the veins
orthostatic hypotension
Is a temporary drop in blood pressure from standing up rapidly from a sitting or lying position
varicose veins
are veins that have become dilated and have diminished rate of blood flow and increased intravenous pressure
Raynaud’s disease
a condition in which arterioles in the fingers develop spasms, causing intermittent skin pallor or cyanosis then rubor (red color)
deep vein thrombosis
is the occlusion of a deep vein, such as in the femoral or pelvic circulation by a blood clot
Arteriovenous fistula
is an abnormal connection between an artery and the vein
is a unilateral swelling associated with an obstruction in the lymph nodes