
Cards (131)

  • The TAPALENE most of the time period was spent at was born at home and recruitment
  • main method indentures and boid eroops gave lots of power to important nobles
  • resumed to the Millio System-continuation of using the statue of winchester 1285
  • men were recruited using the ASSILE Of Arms
    1. men aged 16-60 were supposed to serve
    2. General muster every few years, au men needed to come
    3. present weapons + armour depending on their income rongy
    4. Run by cord cuittennant
    5. forced the men to fight
  • when they needed men to fight overseas they would usually be pressed my who

    1. were forced to right-
    2. were often criminais, unemployed men led to common torupsion
  • Training
    1. 137 trainning bands were set up a proportion of men from each country
    2. had to meet once a months in the summer
    3. this meant men from around the country were trained similarly
  • Drill books
    were princed and widely distrubered they helped with consistent training and the ariu system
  • Of a Lower Class. People switched back to normal men so training atuloated
  • Commanders
    sucsessful solacers who had a high ability
  • Sir Thomas Fairfax was the leader
  • Oliver Cromweu proposed it out was an No so couldnt fig
  • Funged
    1. pational taxes so solaceis uniform- Every was issued wien a
    2. got regular pay
    3. cavalry was pacced
    4. nfantry was said up a day
  • Recruitment Infantry

    1. have were raised by partiments abandoned armys
    2. the other half were pressed men
  • cavalry
    au volunteers who joined due to poutical or religious beliefs
  • Training were wey trained due to being trained by experienced
  • Soldiers used muster masters, drill books, training bands
  • Impact on civilians
    • Supplies were stiu requositioned
    • Taxes increased
    • damage of viurages-3-cornish
    • marcnes and sieges
    • Communities had to feed passing Soldiers
  • men didnt like war
  • The last regiments of the New model army became the new Royal Army
  • LD not Standing Army but each year was renewed by a Parlimentary Act
  • people didnt want Standing army as it interferred with DOLTEICS
  • THE ROUTE of size was stiu smau 1000-2000 then e Size wegan to increase in out to the civil worang us Stayed arge of cer the war in order to step contr OS-46.000 enduring code
  • in 1500, the army was 31 infantry to caualty froumed knights
  • 100 130.000 med after civil war rebecause of longbows impact to decline of Le CHANGE E Composition changed to 2:1 infantry to cavalry
  • buy erome more important because unity gue beater connons became more wit and easier to move
  • Standing army

    having a standing army means: they are always troops for war, the troops aut eu-trained, they wanted to project the power balance in Enga, it was expensive so would increase taxes
  • model army was formed by parumens was a standing army
  • LE 100 years to make it an official standing army in 1975 became
  • infantry Change

    1. they were neion eis, back and breast plates, and thign covers
    2. The con ut army groduoy paced bumen wien armoured CENTER
    3. complained in 1500 because not enough pixemen
    4. Pikemen became uneiooie to musee? fire so the army began using pikement muskermen together
  • Change in 1540, the army graduauy scarred to use marchcock muscets
  • Longbows
    could fire i per min, muskers could only fire 3
  • Archery
    required ots of Secu ona procese, muskers and doc
  • In 1500 theyre were carbon Steel armour which arrows coulant piece, muskers couns
  • muscers could defeat pike unies
  • Matchlock muskets

    Sow to load, range of 100m very neavy, unrell able in wet weather aue to needing a march to could be seen from afar in the dark
  • Finnock muskets. They also doubled ene tare of fure