Religion and Life

Cards (10)

  • Origins of the Universe
    C: Made and designed by God "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth"
    C - fundamentalist: Literally as described, some: in 6 days; others: in 6 periods of time
    C - liberal: creation story is symbolic. Main message is God was in control. Lines up with Big Bang
    B: Believe universe is cyclical. Accept cyclical Big Bang theory. Buddhists would prioritise finding a way out of suffering that working out where the world came from
  • Use and Abuse of environment
    • Stewardship "work it and take care of it". Christian should look after the world
    • Dominion: Some believe this means humans can do what they want with the world, most believe this means we should care for the world as God wants. "Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground"
    • Dependant arising (paticcasamuppada)
    • Harming the environment will cause suffering
  • Pollution
    • Pollution isn't loving to others
    • Stewardship - "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it"
    • Pollution harms creatures
  • Use and abuse of animals
    • animals were created by God for humans to use and to care for
    • Humans are special and therefore their life is more valuable
    • Animal testing is acceptable if it necessary - can be used to save human lives
    • "everything that lives and moves about will be food for you"
    • Causing harm to animals is unskilful, not right action
    • Some are against animal experimentation, others apply lesser of two evils in regard to saving human lives
    • Buddhists are generally vegan or vegetarian
    • However, some Buddhist scriptures include the Buddha and his followers eating meat
  • Origins of human life
    • Genesis 1: God created all life
    • "Then the Lord God formed a man"
    • Fundamentalist: do not believe theory of evolution. Believe each species was made separately, exactly like Genesis 1 and 2
    • Majority of Christians: Accept theory of evolution but with God as a creator, starting and controlling the process
    • Believe life can come into existence with necessary conditions
    • Works with evolution theory
  • Abortion - secular beliefs
    • can occur within first 24 weeks of pregnancy
    • Only if two doctors agree there is a risk to physical or mental health of the mother, child or existing children in the family
    • Mother's life is more important
    • Mother has to be the one pregnant so should be her choice
    • life doesn't start until birth therefore believe it is not killing
    • it is cruel to allow a severely disabled baby to be born
    • murder
    • disabled child could live a happy life
    • unwanted children can be adopted
    • Those who get an abortion suffer from depression and guilt
  • Abortion - religious beliefs
    • Sanctity of life
    • Many believe life begins at conception
    • Some believe abortion could be acceptable eg. if a result of rape or if the child would have a very poor quality of life
    • form of killing - against 1st moral precept
    • However, lesser of two evils applied
    • Some believe that abortion should be a choice
    • traditions and societal norms differ from country to country
  • Euthanasia
    Voluntary: ill person asks to have their life ended
    Involuntary: ill person is not given a choice
    Non-voluntary: ill person is unable to give a choice eg. coma
    Euthanasia is an active process and is illegal
    Passive euthanasia or non-treatment decision is legal. Involves ceasing medication
  • Euthanasia
    • Form of murder, interfering with God's plan for life
    • Only God has the right to take life, sanctity of life
    • May argue that if legal, very old people would feel pressure to be euthanised to not be a burden for the family
    • May argue suffering brings people together
    • Some Christians support it stating it is the most loving thing to do
    • Some argue God gave free will so people should have the choice to end their life
    • against 1st moral precept
    • However can be seen as the most compassionate thing to do
    • Buddhists would respect the wishes of the individual
  • Death and the Afterlife
    • Jesus' resurrection proof for afterlife
    • Some believe judgement happens straight after death
    • Others believe it will happen when Jesus returns on Judgement Day
    • Some believe God, the source of all good, would not condemn people to Hell
    • Death is a process
    • Believe that they will be reborn into a new body
    • "having reached perfection, fearless, without craving, without blemish, he has cut off the darts of existence. This body is his last"