Sudetenland Crisis

Cards (67)

  • "The Munich Agreement was the greatest triumph of British diplomacy since the days of Palmerston" - Chamberlain
  • Munich Agreement signed on September 30th, 1938
  • British Government agreed to give Germany control over the Sudetenland if Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia again.
  • Czechoslovakia lost 2/5 of its territory to Germany under the terms of the agreement
  • British Government agreed to allow Germany to annex the Sudetenland if they promised not to invade Czechoslovakia again.
  • Germany gained control over Czech border fortresses, which were vital to their defence against invasion from Poland or Russia
  • Hitler's promise that he would respect the independence of Poland and other countries was seen as a sign of his good faith by many people at the time.
  • Hitler's promise that he would not attack Czechoslovakia again was known as "the guarantee".
  • Czechoslovakia had no say in negotiations at Munich.
  • France did not want war with Germany so they supported the agreement.
  • British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain believed that Hitler had been appeased by the Munich Agreement and would not invade any other countries.
  • Hitler's demands were met without war breaking out
  • Hitler's demands were met by the Munich Conference
  • Chamberlain believed that he had secured peace in Europe by avoiding another war
  • Chamberlain believed that he had secured peace in Europe with the Munich Agreement
  • Hitler's demands had been met without war breaking out
  • France supported Britain in signing the Munich Agreement as they did not want to go to war with Germany
  • The Munich Agreement was signed on September 30th, 1938.
  • The Munich Conference was held between September 29-30, 1938, with representatives from Britain, France, Italy, and Germany attending.
  • France supported Britain at Munich as it wanted to avoid war
  • Many people felt that Britain had betrayed Czechoslovakia and appeased Hitler
  • The British government believed that Hitler could be trusted because he seemed more reasonable than Mussolini.
  • Chamberlain believed that appeasing Hitler would prevent war and maintain peace in Europe.
  • Chamberlain returned home from Munich with a piece of paper signed by Hitler, promising peace in our time.
  • The British government believed that Hitler could be trusted to keep his promises.
  • Chamberlain thought that Hitler wanted peace and only took action when it suited him.
  • Appeasement is when a government tries to avoid conflict by giving in to another country's demands.
  • Appeasement is when a government tries to avoid conflict by giving in to another country's demands.
  • Many people thought that Britain and France had done all they could do to prevent war.
  • Many people thought that Britain and France had done all they could do to prevent war.
  • The Munich Agreement led to the loss of territory for Czechoslovakia but it avoided war between Britain, France, and Germany.
  • The Munich Agreement led to the loss of territory for Czechoslovakia but it avoided war between Britain, France, and Germany.
  • Appeasement meant giving up something (like land) to avoid war.
  • Appeasement meant giving up something (like land) to avoid war.
  • The British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain believed that appeasement was necessary because it avoided war and allowed Britain to focus on rearmament.
  • Some historians argue that Chamberlain made a mistake when he allowed Hitler to take the Sudetenland because it encouraged him to demand more territory later on.
  • Some historians argue that Chamberlain made a mistake when he allowed Hitler to take the Sudetenland because it encouraged him to demand more territory later on.
  • The Munich Conference took place on September 29th, 1938
  • The Munich Conference was held on September 29th, 1938
  • The Munich Conference took place on September 29th, 1938