Scrooge is described as being solitary as an oyster: 'Scrooge is solitary, forced into loneliness, symbolising how capitalism has encapsulated his true nature like an oyster shell'
I wear the chain I forged in life: 'The ghost of Marley wears a heavy chain, symbolising the accumulation of his moral sins and crimes committed in life, a warning and punishment for his actions'
The chain worn by Marley's ghost
Symbolises the dangers of not controlling one's desires (the id) and the need for accountability
The Gothic genre
Includes supernatural elements like ghosts and spirits that scare and disturb the characters
The smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs, dirty as snow upon the ground: 'Pathetic fallacy contrasting the clean, pure snow on the roofs with the dirty snow on the ground, symbolising the divide between the wealthy and the poor in society'
The quotes can be used to discuss themes of redemption, the supernatural, Scrooge's character, and the impact of society
the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs dirty as snow upon the ground
Pathetic fallacy
Using the description of snow to reflect mood and events
Adjective to describe the snow on the roofs
Adjective to describe the snow on the ground
The smooth snow on the roofs
Represents the rich upper class
The dirtier snow on the ground
Represents the poor working class
The quote can be used to discuss the disparity between the classes in society
The snow can be used as a symbol of the rich and the poor
The quote contrasts the smooth, untouched snow on the roofs with the dirtier snow on the ground
The quote uses pathetic fallacy to reflect the mood and events
The quote can be used to discuss the need for change and redemption in society
The boy represents 'ignorance' and the girl represents 'want' in society
The short, factual statements of 'boy is ignorance' and 'girl is want' emphasise the neglect and lack of care for these young children
The quote shows Scrooge taking full accountability for changing and not shutting out the lessons he has learned
The quote foreshadows the idea that it is never too late to change, and that changing one's course in life is possible
The 'course' in the quote represents the journey of life, and the idea that one can depart from a certain path to change the outcome
The personification and symbolism in the quote 'the cold within him threw his old features' represents Scrooge's evil, unsociable nature before his transformation
Angry unsociable nature that negativity and guys we all know people like this in our life like just the way just by the way they look you can tell this isn't a nice person the the the their evilness their personality comes out on their face
That was huj he was so evil so nasty that it reflected on his face
That cold that evilness
Froze everything completely
Before Scrooge changed, before Scrooge met the ghosts and the spirits, he was like a dead man walking, there was no life in him, there was no light, there was no life, there was no passion, there was no energy
Scrooge epitomized the damage that a capitalist Society has done to him
Traditionally, a sign of a strong powerful man was his command over wealth, how rich are you, what status do you have
Scrooge is a victim of the system, he has money, he has everything that you would need in a capitalist Society to be powerful and Rich and amazing, but look at the state of him
Rule of three
Three descriptions about the same thing, can be phrases or words
Scrooge is described as a good friend, good master, and as good a man
Another Idol has displaced me
What has replaced Scrooge's ex-girlfriend is a golden idol, a symbol of money and wealth
Mrs Cratchit made the gravy hissing hot, Master Peter mashed the potatoes with Incredible Vigor, and Miss Belinda sweetened up the applesauce
The Cratchit family, though they have 1% of what Scrooge has, they have 10,000 times more than what he'll ever have, they have love and unity