AO1 Romanian Orphans

Cards (15)

  • Who conducted a study on Romanian orphans?
    Rutter et al.
  • What is institutionalisation in attachment?
    Effects of long term placement in an institution (like an orphanage)
  • What kind of study did Rutter et al. conduct?
    Longitudinal study
  • How many orphans were studied?
    165 orphans who were adopted by British parents
  • What ages were the orphans assessed?
    4, 6, 11, 15
  • What was the control group in Rutter's study?
    52 British children who were adopted
  • What were the groups the Romanian orphans were split into?
    Adopted before age of 6 months
    Adopted between ages 6 months to 2 years old
    Adopted after age of 2
  • What was observed at the start of the study?
    Over half the orphans were malnourished and showed signs of mental retardation
  • At age 6, those who were adopted after 6 months showed disinhibited attachment (overly friendly behaviour towards unknown adults)
  • What was the mean IQ for those adopted before 6 months (at age 11)?
  • What was the mean IQ for those adopted between 6 months and 2 years (at age 11)?
  • What was the mean IQ for those adopted after 2 years (at age 11)?
  • At age 11, adopted children showed differentiated rates of recovery that were related to their age of adoption
  • What did Rutter's study show?

    Adoption after the first 6 months of life means that the child will have longer term effects of institutionalisation
  • Why do the findings of Rutter's study challenge Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation?
    Shows that recovery is possible if the children can form attachments. They may have slower development instead of irreversible damage