Cards (152)

  • Qualification
    Formal certification in forms of license and diploma, official recognition of value in the labor market and further education and training
  • Philippine Qualification Framework (PQF)

    • Describes the levels of educational qualifications, sets the standards for qualification outcomes
  • People behind PQF

    • PQF National Coordinating Council (DepEd, CHED, PRC, TESDA, DOLE), current chair: Sara Duterte, 6 members
    • Assigned for qualifications register
  • CHED
    • Responsible for pathways and equivalencies, develop a national system of credit transfer, ladderized system, develops the PQF manuals
  • DepEd
    • Responsible for information and guidelines
  • PRC
    • Responsible for international alignment, make sure that the qualification in the PH is mutual with the qualifications of the ASEAN countries
  • DOLE
    • Controls the workers, sets standards for employers
  • Features of PQF

    • Pathways and equivalencies, quality assurance, qualifications register
  • Who is PQF for?
  • Why do we need PQF?

    Establish national standards and levels of qualifications, assist and support academic and worker mobility, address job skills mismatch
  • Where do we find PQF?
  • How do we qualify?

    Dentistry stands on the L6 Baccalaureate, L7 can be obtained through Masterals, L8 can be obtained when you have PhD
  • Laws aligned with PQF

    • EO No. 83, RA 10968, RA 7722, CMO No.46 s. 2012, RA 8981, RA 10912, PD 422, CMO No. 03
  • CHED Memorandum Order No. 03
  • Article IV: Program Specifications
  • What can you do after you graduate?

    • General Dental Practitioner (private practice, hospital, LGUs, private companies, law enforcement, military), Academician, Researcher, Pharmaceutical, Entrepreneur
  • Performance Outcomes and Performance Indicators

    • Provide quality oral health care, communicate effectively, plan and deliver community and extension dental services, engage in research activities, apply business principles, entrepreneurship, practices and processes, practice life-long learning and continue to be a life-long learner, practice ethical/legal/moral principles and social accountability, demonstrate nationalism, internationalism and dedication to service, utilize systems-based approach in healthcare, collaborate with inter-professional teams
  • RA 9484
  • Disciplines in Dentistry

    • Pediatric Dentistry / Pedodontics, Orthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Endodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Operative Dentistry, Roentgenology
  • Philippine Dental Association affixes the prices of dental practices
  • Primitive World Civilizations

    • Mayans
    • Incas
    • Aztecs
    • Indians
  • Mayans
    • Practiced facial modification by putting bands on babies to adapt head shape
    • Practiced cross-eyed trend by putting beads on T-zone
    • Dentistry was more ritualistic
  • Mayan dental practices

    • Ornamentation of teeth
    • Boring holes in teeth while avoiding the pulp
    • Use of inlays like jadeite, iron pyrite, hematite, turquoise, serpentine, quartz
    • Used adhesives like sclareolide and mint to prevent decay and cavities
    • Teeth chipping
    • Blackening of teeth
  • Mayans were the ones to use dental implants by embedding shells into the bone
  • Incas
    • Practiced dental mutilation by filing
    • Inlaid teeth with gold
    • Inserted hammered gold into cavities
    • Excised carious material from teeth with a burning stick
    • Used balsam of Peru to treat gingival diseases
    • Performed gingivectomy by heating plant roots and pressing into teeth
    • Loosened teeth through caustic resin and knocked them out with a sharp blow
  • Aztecs
    • Believed in tooth worms that could be relieved by eating hot chili
    • Treated mouth diseases with herbs and botanicals
    • Filled cavities with snail shells, sea salt, and tlatcacaotl
    • Used toothpicks and chewed plain unsweetened gum called chicle for oral hygiene
    • Sutured wounds using hair
    • Believed a child with harelip was born during a full moon
  • Indians
    • Their unprocessed, gritty diet prevented dental caries but caused attrition and periodontal diseases
    • Used chewing tobacco, gums, resins, and plant roots for oral hygiene and to prevent toothache
    • Used bark of prickly ash tree to alleviate mechanical tooth pain
    • Tied teeth with buckskin and pulled them
    • Had various beliefs and shamanic practices to relieve toothache
  • Mesopotamian Civilizations

    • Sumerians
    • Akkadians (Babylonians, Assyrians)
  • Sumerians
    • Believed demons inhabiting the body caused disease
  • Akkadians
    • Believed in tooth worms
    • First to use cuneiform writing
    • Had the Code of Hammurabi which valued teeth
    • Had Asu (therapeutic medicine) and Ashipu (divinatory/religious medicine)
    • Believed natal teeth were unlucky
    • Assyrian kings believed bruxism and dental conditions were related to overall health
  • Phoenicians
    • Created the alphabet
    • First to create dentures using ivory
    • Practiced teeth binding and tooth splinting using gold wire
  • Hebrews
    • Considered sound teeth as an object of beauty and symbol of strength
    • Did not have dentists and sought services of Phoenicians or Greeks
    • Had Halakhah (rule book) and Talmud (history and fables) that regulated dental practices
    • Had Nagra (craftsmen) who made artificial teeth and crowns
    • Believed too much vinegar was harmful to teeth but could be used for gum problems
  • Halakhah
    • One of the important writings
    • Serves as a rule book
    • "The way"
    • The primary source of the Jewish religious law
    • Legalistic Nature
  • Halakhah
    From the Revelation on Mount Sinai
  • Talmud
    Contains history and fables
  • Talmud
    • Women are NOT allowed to go out wearing a gold tooth during the sabbath
    • They are also not allowed to go out with artificial tooth
    • They are allowed to go out leaving peppercorn in their mouth as breath freshener
  • Talmud
    • Haggada – ethical teachings
    • Mishna – oral traditions
    • Gemara – oral law
  • Talmud
    • Believes that our body is like aa house
    • Mouth should always be clean since it is the entrance
  • Nagra
    • Craftsmen
    • Somehow a Hebrew dental technician
    • Make artificial teeth and crowns