
Cards (22)

  • Shadow
    The dark shapes that are made when something blocks the light from a bright source, like the Sun or a lamp
  • When an object gets in the way of the light, it creates a shadow on the surface behind it
  • Shadows look darker because they don't have as much light as the areas around them
  • Types of Shadows

    • Umbra
    • Penumbra
    • Antumbra
  • Umbra
    The darkest part of a shadow where the light source is completely blocked
  • Penumbra
    The partially shaded area surrounding the umbra
  • Antumbra
    A lighter shadow surrounded by a darker region, observed during certain conditions like solar eclipses
  • An eclipse is a special event that occurs when one celestial body passes through the shadow of another celestial body
  • The most common types of eclipses we observe here on Earth are solar eclipses and lunar eclipses
  • Types of Solar Eclipses

    • Partial Solar Eclipse
    • Annular Solar Eclipse
    • Total Solar Eclipse
  • Partial Solar Eclipse
    The moon blocks only a part of the sun, creating a crescent shape
  • Total Solar Eclipse

    The moon completely covers the sun, and the sky becomes dark
  • Annular Solar Eclipse

    The moon is farther from the Earth and appears smaller, so it doesn't fully cover the sun, leaving a ring of sunlight visible around its edges
  • Types of Lunar Eclipses
    • Partial Lunar Eclipse
    • Total Lunar Eclipse
    • Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
  • Partial Lunar Eclipse

    Only a part of the moon moves through Earth's shadow, so it appears partially darkened
  • Total Lunar Eclipse

    The Earth completely blocks the sunlight from reaching the moon, and the moon appears reddish or orange
  • Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

    The moon passes through the Earth's outer shadow called the penumbra, and the moon may appear slightly dimmer
  • Observing eclipses requires proper precautions. Use approved solar filters or indirect viewing methods to protect your eyes during solar eclipses
  • What are the three types of shadows we discussed?
  • Can you explain the difference between a total solar eclipse and a partial solar eclipse?
  • How does a lunar eclipse differ from a solar eclipse?
  • Why is it important to use proper safety measures during an eclipse?