Inferential statistics

Cards (14)

  • Chi-square test
    A statistical test that is used when the experimental design is independent groups, when the level of data is nominal and when the hypothesis is predicting a difference between variables. The observed value must be higher than the critical value for results to be considered statistically significant.)
  • When is the rules for significances of a Chi Squared test?
    If the observed X^2 value is greater than or equal to the critical value, then significance is shown
  • Mann-Whitney U test
    (A statistical test that is used when the experimental design is independent groups, when the level of data is at least ordinal and when the hypothesis is predicting a difference between variables. The critical value must be higher than the observed value for results to be significant.)
  • What is the rules of significance of a Mann-Whitney U test?
    Observed Value of a U must be equal to or less than the critical value to show significance
  • Sign Test
    A statistical test that is used when the experimental design is repeated measures/matched pairs, when the level of data is nominal and when the hypothesis is predicting a difference. The critical value must be higher than the observed value for results to be considered statistically significant
  • What is the rule of significance for the sign test?
    Observed Value of a S must be equal to or less than the critical value to show significance
  • Spearmens Order Rank Coorelation Coefficient
    A statistical test that is used when the level of data is at least ordinal and is related, and when the hypothesis is predicting a correlation/relationship between variables. The observed value must be higher than the critical value for results to be considered statistically significant
  • What is the rule significance Of Spearmen Coefficient?
    If the observed Rho value is greater than or equal to the critical value, then significance is shown
  • Wilcoxon
    A statistical test that is used when the experimental design is repeated measures/matched pairs, when the level of data is at least ordinal and when the hypothesis is predicting a difference between variables. The critical value must be higher than the observed value for results to be significant
  • What is the rule of significance of Wilcoxon?
    Observed Value of a T must be equal to or less than the critical value to show significance
  • Probability Value
    A numerical value that gives an indication of the likelihood that results are due to a real difference/correlation and not due to chance e.g. in psychology we accept a probability value of 95%, where results are due to chance in 5% of cases.
  • Significant Level
    A numerical value that is usually expressed in value including two decimal places. This level tells you the margin of error that could occur in your results e.g. 0.05 suggests that there is a 5% possibility that results are due to chance and not the difference/correlation between variables.)
  • Observed (Calculated) Value
    The numerical value that is created as a result of inferential statistical analysis of your data. This will be compared to the critical values for the test to calculate the level of significance.
  • Critical Values from tables
    The tabulated numerical values that have been assigned to a particular inferential statistical test. It is compared to the observed value for your set of data to calculate significance