Cards (19)

  • "heat oppressed brain"
  • "something wicked this way comes"
  • "instruments of darkness tell us truths...only to betray"
  • "Smocked with bloody executiob...unseamed him from the nave to th' chops"
  • "look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it"
  • "to full of the milk of human kindness"
  • "my words are in my sword"
  • "When shall we meet again, In thunder, Lightning or in Rain?"
  • "You should be women, but yet your beards formbid me to interpret That you are so"
  • "Unsex me here"
  • "Fair is foul and foul is Fair"
  • "stars hide your fires; let not light see my dark and deep desires"
  • "Out damned spot: out, I say"
  • "All the perfumes of arabia will not sweeten this little hand"
  • "Fly good fleance, fly, fly, fly"
  • "I must also feel it as a man"
  • "Macbeth shall sleep no more"
  • "Duncan's horses turned wild in nature...they eat each other"
  • "Life is but a walking shadow..."