Part of the Weimar Constitution, giving the President special powers to rule in a crisis. Used by Chancellors to rule when they had no majority in the Reichstag - and therefore an undemocratic precedent for Hitler
Someone who belongs to the European type race. To the Nazis this meant especially non-Jewish and they looked for the ideal characteristics of fair hair, blue eyes…
Organisation of ex-soldiers. Helped to brutally crush Spartacist uprising in Jan 1919. Exerted extreme right wing pressure - involved in failed Kapp Putsch, March 1920.
Enabling Law
March 1933. Gives Hitler power to rule without the Reichstag for four years
Brown shirts
The name given to the S.A.
Buying goods with other goods rather than money
Motorway - showpieces of the Nazi job creation schemes
Like the Prime Minister - the man who is the chief figure in the government
Dawes Plan
1924.Named after Charles Dawes, an American, who organised loans to help Weimar Germany deal with its reparations crisis
Night of the broken glass. In revenge for the shooting of a German diplomat in Paris, Jewish shops were looted and synagogues were burnt
Supporter of Karl Marx and his theory of communism
Someone or something that cannot fail, always right.
Secret police. Came under the control of Himmler.
The process of bringing all aspects of life and organisations in Germany under Nazi control.
German Labour Front?
An organisation set up by Nazis in May 1933 to replace Trade Unions to ensure control of workers