
Cards (11)

  • benign tumours:
    non-cancerous tumours:
    grows slowly
    does not spread - doesn't metastase
    does not regrow after removal
  • malignant tumours
    cancerous tumours:
    grow rapidly 
    can spread - metastasis
    can regrow after removal
  • tumour supressor genes: prevent tumours forming:
    • slows down/ prevent cell division
    • cause abnormal cells death
    • repair issues in DNA
  • mutations in tumour suppressor genes: become inactive
    • causes change in amino acid sequence( primary structure
    • change in tertiary structure: bonds
    • a non functioning protein
  • increased methylation of tumour suppressor genes:
    • tightens the DNA histone complex
    • transcription is inhibited
    • uncontrolled cell division occurs leading to the formation of a tumour
  • proto-oncogenes:
    • stimulates cell division
  • oncogene:
    • mutated version of proto-oncogenes
    • causes too much cell division
  • increasing oestrogen concentration
    leads to a development of a tumour
  • proteome
    set of proteins an organism produces?
  • genome
    all the DNA in a cell/organism
  • why can't u find the genome in complex organisms
    consists of non-coding DNA and regulatory genes