Charlotte Smith

Cards (7)

  • Smith’s lachrymosity (tendency to weep)
  • Frequent hints of something tragic behind the scenes, a reality that seeps into the poetry → imbrications of her own experiences
  • "I wrote mournfully because I was unhappy." (Preface)
  • "are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? Or can the effect cease, while the cause remains?" (Preface)
    • “Flow my unceasing tears! Their varied round
    • The Seasons go; while I through all repine-” (Sonnet 77)
    --> Nightingale poems (3,7,55) - her melancholy always returns; a seasonal melancholy - 'fixed regret'
  • those paint sorrow best—who feel it most! (1)
  • "Some very melancholy moments have been beguiled by expressing in verse the sensations those moments brought." (preface)