Peer review + Psychology and the economy

Cards (5)

  • Peer review - Before being an official part of a journal research must be subjected to scrutiny by a small group of peers who are unknown to the researchers
  • Aims of peer review
    1. Allocate research funding
    2. Validate quality and relevance of research - Formulation of hypotheses, methodology, statistical tests and conclusions drawn
    3. Suggest amendments or improvements
  • Evaluation of peer review - Anonymity
    • Remain anonymous - More honest review
    • Minority us A as a way of criticising other rival researchers - In direct competition for limited research funding - Some favour viewing as public
  • Evaluation of peer review - Publication bias
    • Publish headline grabbing findings - Increase credibility and circulation
    • Preference to publish positive results
    • Research that don't meet criteria is ignored or disregarded
  • Evaluation of peer review - Burying ground-breaking research
    • Supress opposition to mainstream theories
    • Researchers critical of research contradicting own view
    • Established scientist are chosen as reviewers - More likely to pass new and innovative research
    • May slow down rate of change withing scientific discipline