
    Cards (8)

    • What are the treatments ?
      • drug therapy to alter the levels of neurotransmitters
    • What are the 3 methods ?
      • antidepressants
      • tricyclics
      • anti- anxiety drugs
    • How do antidepressants work ?
      • elevate mood
      • SSRI - selective aeration reuptake inhibitor
      • produce more activity in orbital region + caudate nuclei
      • Gilbert supported this treatment
      • stop seratonin leaving the synapse
      • e.g paroxetine
    • How do tricyclics work ?

      Block seratonin and noradrenaline (linked to arousal, cognition and attention) from being absorbed
      • increase levels of both
      - however have side effects
    • How do anti- anxiety drugs work ?

      e.g Valium
      • slow down activity in the CNS by increasing activity of neurotransmitter GABA (feel calm )
      • has a quietening effect on the neurons in the brain
    • Evaluation ?
      1. julien
      2. treats into symptoms
      3. side effects
    • julien ?
      • improvements of 50-80%
      • obsessions and compulsions not fully disappear but greatly reduce
    • Symptoms only ?

      lose effect when stoping taking drugs
      • simprosm found a 45% relaps in 2 weeks