
Cards (11)

  • Drunk from the intoxicating draught

    Ambition being like a drink, beverage, addition, drug, harmful, tantalising, evil, possessive, consuming, overpowering
  • Dash the cup from your lips

    Ambition being like a drink, beverage, addition, drug, harmful, tantalising, evil, possessive, consuming, overpowering
  • One man's life and death were but a small price to pay for my aquirement of knowledge

    • Walton
    • Parallel to Frankenstein's own experience but irony of it being a bigger price to pay for his own aquirement
    • Self centred and detached
    • Selfish
    • Ardent
    • Fully committed
    • Immensely passionate
    • Devoted
    • Tree of knowledge irony of isolation and suffering for Victor and Walton
  • I feel my heart glow with an enthusiasm which elevates me to Heaven, for nothing contribute so much to tranquillise the mind as a steady purpose

    Walton (Letter 1), biblical imagery/metaphor, ambition
  • I imagine that I also might obtain a niche in the temple, where the names of Homer and Shakespeare were consecrated

    Walton (Letter 1), Ambition, Legacy, Arrogance
  • I have voluntarily endured cold, famine, thirst, and want of sleep

    Walton (Letter 1) Sacrifical ambition, overpowering ambition, destructive.
  • Was more deeply smitten with the thirst of knowledge
    Irony, foreshadowing
  • cord after cord was sounded, and soon my mind was filled with one thought, one conception, one purpose
    Victor (Chapter 3)
  • a resistless and almost frantic impulse urged me forward; I seem to have lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit

  • I appeared, rather like one doomed by slavery to toil in the mines, or any other unwholesome trade did an artist occupied by his favourite employment

    Victor, a slave to ambition
  • Yet, why do I say this?… another may succeed.

    Victor reconsiders warning about ambition