‘Will all Great Neptunes ocean wash this blood clean from my hands?’
context: beliefs of illness was by astrology, so LM is begging someone to treat her guilt by astrology
‘Making the green one red’
green- nature, pure
red- evil, blood
‘Out damned spot!’ Out i say’
Inability to cleanse herself of the deep means of regicide is an unforgivable sin
Macbeth regain control over his guilt and insanity by becoming a much darker , more brutal character
Macbeth initially feels guilty for considering murder and then actually kill Duncan and he is consumed by guilt following the second murder of Banquo as he hallucinates his ghost
from driving ambition and the supernatural comes murders, exile, fear and terror and the impact of their crimes is not lost on Macbeth or Lady Macbeth. Both characters are shown to fill and deal with Guilt at different points in the play.
‘I am in blood stepp‘d in so far, that should i wade no more’