which two of the following legal requirements apply to UK citizens?
a duty to pay taxes on any earnedincome
a duty to care for and look after your children
explain two reasons why the Magna Carta was commemorated
it established the principle of fairness in relation to taxes and changed the way the country was governed for the better.
it initiated the acceptance of rights for individuals and limited authoritarian power and human rights are essential in a modern society
Explain why both tolerance and respect are central values that underpin life for citizens in the UK.
tolerance is a central value because it gives the opportunity to discuss issues with people in what is a diverse society making an inclusive society
respect is a central value because it is good in society as it offers kindness to fellow citizens
two ways in which a citizens identity affects their life:
a negative identity can make people lead to feeling excluded from society
allows citizens to stand out s unique individuals which creates a sense of worth
freedom of speech: freedom to say anything about people or issues within the law
the Human Rights Act 1998 has incorporated rights in the European Convention into UK law.
how can an individual have multiple identities?
they may base their identity in their work and also with a sport they play or sports team they support.
they may base identity on their nationality and also with an identity based on their language
why have people migrated to the UK
economic reasons - they may have no employment in their home country
due to war and famine - e.g those in Syria fleeing war for stability
one source of local government income :
council tax - levied against residential properties in the locality
functions carried out by main local councils
providing library services
providing collection services for refuse
why is it desirable that people who are elected a local councillors come from the same local area?
Local councils spend locally raised money, so they have to be accountable for their actions to the community where it is raised
local people can become involved in civic life; elections are a transparent and open way to do this
how can individuals be affected by inequality:
it damage community life and cohesion
can have an effect on peoples health and wellbeing
how does diversity benefit UK society?
diversity earns different cultures will mix and interact which leads to more tolerance and understanding
a tax used to pay for the services of local government: council tax
UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights - It was agreed soon after the Second World War.
how do schools promote integration
they promote common cohesion and this fosters harmony and peace in society
schools teach common positive values such as tolerance and mutual respect which stay with them for life which benefit future generations and future society
characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010
those who are pregnant or on maternity
those unfairly discriminated due to religion
discrimination of age, race, gender, sexuality
why is the rule of law necessary
it ensures that no one person is above the law - and remit falls on all
It means that the government is accountable in law for all of its actions
tolerance: allowing others views and opinions to be voiced even if you don’t agree with them
how did the Magna Carta contribute to the development of human rights?
it promoted the right to trial by jury which serves individual justice
it advanced the rule of law which illustrates how the law is applicable to all in society, no matter status or wealth
differences between councillors and officers in local government
Councillors are elected by local population whereas officers are appointed
Councillors remain in post until re-elected or retired which varies with officers as they have permanent terms of employment
age population effect on government spendings
sufficient places in education
all generations should have access to medical support.
asylum seekers - people who have fled their country and seek protection in another country
why is mutual respect necessary in society?
mutual respect is necessary in a diverse society with different cultures so it is necessary for society to have mutual respect so they live with each other peacefully
no mutual respect means no community cohesion which means breakdown in civil life
lack of mutual respect leads to discrimination and rudeness which can make individuals feel worthless and not part of society
how are local councils democratic ?
local councillors are elected by the local community in a fair election
they cannot remain in power if they commit crimes which is democratic as it ensures they are not above the law
they are held accountable for their actions and have to explain this to the public - they have to conduct their work in an open and transparent manner
benefits of migration
economic benefits
uk workforce expands
new cultures food and fashion
fills skill shortages
more diverse means more tolerance and mutual respect