M2:T2: Animal viruses

Cards (12)

  • define animal virises
    • bind to specific host receptors
    • different tissues and organs express different cell surface proteins
    • uncoating occurs at cytoplasmic membrane
    • genome enters nucleus
  • 3 types of cell entry
    1. direct peneration: attaches to surface and inject genome in host cell
    2. membrane fusion: envelope virus: occurs with receptors on cyto mem
    3. endocytosis: attaches to receptor on cell surface and membrane eats virus
  • most animal viruses are
    envelope viruses
  • different types of infection
    1. acute: lytic
    2. persistent: infect, multi and bus slowly
    3. latent: temperate
  • role of virus in cancer
    • 20-25%
    • some carry and promote oncogene with interface with repression
    • this leads to cancer if virus insert into repressor genes
  • Plaque assay
    clear zones that develop on lawns of host cells where viral infections occur
  • 3 ways for detection
    1. electron microscopy
    2. NA analysis ie. PCE
    3. Serology
  • different animal viruses
    1. ebola
    2. inflenza
    3. HIV
    4. SARS COV 2
  • HIV
    • Single stranded RNA
    • retrovirus
    • once affects the host, it produces double stranded DNA
    • 10 Yrs dormat
    • affects the WBC
  • stages of hiv
    1. attches
    2. fuses
    3. N capsid move into = uncoated
    4. release
    5. reverse transcritption
    6. DS DNA
  • why are there different variations of flu
    1. due to plasticity of genome
    2. HA: hemaglutuin: binds to silic acid of host
    3. NA: neuramindase: cleaves to silic acid and destroys glycoproteins
  • 2 variations of flu
    1. antigentic drift: minor chAnge to gene mutation
    2. antigentic shift: major change to gene reassortement