Cognitive approach

Cards (16)

  • What does this approach suggest ?
    • focus on how people perceive, store, manipulate + interpret info
    • information processing + internal processes = behaviour
  • What were the assumptions ?
    1. Humans are informational processors
    2. all essential cognitive processes e.g memory work together to understand + respond to the environment
    3. thought processes can + should be processed scientifically
    4. abnormality is due to faulty + internal mental processes
  • What is the black box analogy ?

    stimulus -> internal processes -> response
    internal processes = behaviour is determined by the way we process information taken in from the environment
  • Computer metaphor
    Cognitive approach uses visual models to display processes
  • Computer metaphor

    1. Senses environment
    2. Input
    3. Instruct the PC to do something
    4. PC works behind the scenes to process instructions
    5. PC responds with desired task
  • Our behaviour

    Reacts and responds to our processes
  • what are schemas ?

    mental shortcut that allows info to be processed quickly
    • shape the way we behave in new situations + expand knowledge
  • Why are schemas beneficial ?
    • allow humans to access large info instantly reducing energy + time -> efficient
    • prior knowledge helps predict behaviour + prevent us getting overhwelmed by environmental schemas
  • Why are schemas unhelpful ?
    • process info too quickly -> mjss some info (EWT)
    • can be influenced by social interactions
    • faulty schemas don’t represent reality
    • must regularly modify + test schemas
  • What is cognitive neuroscience ?

    Scientific study of neural structure + neural chemistry of brain + impact on internal mental processes
  • How is cognitive neuroscience tested ?
    • complex through EEG + FMRI
  • What are the practical applications of Brian scans ?
    • scanning techniques allow for diagnosis of depression, OCD,SZ ect
    • benefits understanding of human behaviour
  • what are the benefits of understanding human behaviour ?
    • different types of behaviours located in different areas of the brain
    • investigate specific areas + problems like aphasia treated
  • What are the evaluation ?
    1. Lab based studies
    2. ignores emotion + motivation when comparing humans to computers
    3. real life application
  • ignores emotion + motivation when comparing humans to computers ?
    • individual differences
    • machine reductionism
  • Real life application ?
    • supports CBT, brain structure in memory irrational thoughts in depression, thalamus in SZ