Composed of 22 antigens; 3 Independent pairs: Antithetical antigens: Dia/Dib , Wra /Wrb and Wu/DISK
Diego antigens
Carried on band3, a major integral RBC membrane glycoprotein
Band 3
Also known as the red cell anionexchanger (AE-1) or solutecarrierfamily-4, anion exchanger, member1 (SLC4A1)
Located at Chromosome 17
Rare in most populatipopulationson, but is polymorphic in people of Mongolianancestry
Dia /Dib polymorphism
Located on the last (seventh) extracellular loop of the protein
Low prevalence
High prevalence, associated with an aminoacidsubstitution on the fourthexternal loop
Diego antibodies
Sometimes IgM, but usually IgG
Reactive in the indirect antiglobulin test
Can cause HTR's and HDFN
Cartwright (Yt) System
Named the first antibody marker and used the last letter "t" in the patient's last name: "Cartwright"
High prevalence
Low prevalence
Yt phenotypes
Yt(a+b-) COMMON
Yt(a+b+) COMMON
Yt(a-b+) rare
Yt antigens
Represented an amino acid substitution on the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked RBC glycoprotein acetylcholinesterase (AChE) - enzymes involved in neurotransmission
Yt antigens are located on Chromosome 7 and do not cause HDFN
Xg System
Discovered in the serum of multiple transfused man
High prevalence in female (89%) than male (66%)
Controlled by X-linked gene (located on the X chromosome)
Named after the X Chromosome and g "Grand rapids" where the patient was treated
IgG reactive in the IAT and sensitive to enzymes but not DTT treatment; not been associated with HTR or HDN
Scianna (SC) System
Composed of the three antigens: Sc1, Sc2, and Sc3
Anti-Sc1 and anti-Sc2 antibodies
Most are IgG, red cell stimulated and react in indirectantiglobulintesting
Not implicated with Hemolytictransfusionreaction
Characterized as IgG, red cell stimulated and reacting in the IATphase of testing
Linked to cause a mild transfusionreactions
SC gene
Located at chromosome 1
The product of the gene is a protein called Erythroidmembraneassociatedprotein (ERMAP)
Scianna Ab
Causes mild HDFN
Dombrock (DO) System
Antigen Do^a and Do^b
Gregory (Gy^a), Holley (Hy) and Joseph (Jo^a )
Anti-Do^a and Anti-Do^b
Described as IgG, red cell-stimulated antibodies that react primarily in indirectantiglobulin test w/ PEG or Enzymeenhancement
Not associated with HDFN
Reported to cause delayedHTR
Antibodies to Gy^a, Hy and Jo^a
All are characterized as IgG, red cell stimulated
IAT: reactive
Do not cause HDFN, but has been described to cause moderate transfusion reaction
Dombrock antigens
Carried on a mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase 4 (ART4)
Attached to the RBC membrane by a GPI anchor
Gene coding for dombrock located at chromosome 12
Colton (CO) System
Composed of three antigens: Co^a , Co^b, and Co3 (formerly Co^ab)
CO antigen
Have been located on the transport protein known as channel-forming integral protein (CHIP)
Forms the primary erythrocyte water channel and is responsible for water permeability
CHIP and the Co antigen
Expressed in the tissue of the proximal and descending tubules and the collectingduct of the kidney
Account for the 80% of water reabsorption
Anti-Co^a and Anti-Co^b
Associated with Acute to delayed transfusion reactions
Causing severeHDFN
Includes 9 antigens, which are subdivided into: 6 Ch antigens, 2 Rh antigens, and WH antigen
Alleles for RG and CH
Have been located on two closely linked genes known as C4A (CH) and C4B (RG) on Chromosome 6
Antigens product
Have been demonstrated on the C4d fragments of the C4A (CHIDO) and C4B (ROGERS) glycoproteins of the C4 complement components
Stimulated usually in multi-transfused individuals lacking one or more of the corresponding antigens; antibodies are IgG and weaklyreactive in IAT
Gerbich (GE) System
Complex system that is composed of three high incidence: Ge2, Ge3 and Ge4; and four-low incidence: Wb, Ls^a, An^a, and Dh^a
GE antigens
Inherited on chromosome 2 and are expressed on glycophorin C (GPC) and/or glycophorinD (GPD)
Leach phenotype (GE:-2,-3,-4)
Present with a change in erythrocyte morphology in the form of Elliptocyte