Cards (3)

  • strengths- methological design
    • lab study- control of evs and cvs, standardised.....
    • however lab study, artificial stimuli lacks mundane realism, doesnt minick real life, reducing eco val
    • additionally, control group sert up, removing cv of lack of knowledge or poor eyesight
    • cause and effect conclusions- increasing val of conclusions
  • limitation- sample
    • lacked diversity, all male leading to beta bias, not representative, cannot be generalised to half pop, women may conform more or less
    • young sample, age bias, younger more influencial and less independant
    • american sample, cannot be applied to collectivist= risk of imposed etic
    • sample unrepresenative, lacsk population validity and generalisability
  • ethical issues in aschs study
    • deceptions used to reduce influence of DCS and increase val of findings, told aim was about perception
    • informed consent could not be gained
    • breaches bps code of ethics and could lead to psychological harm such as embarassment
    • CBA needed, benefits of study outweigh ethical considerations
    • research into conformity lead to stricter ethical considerations concerning research, protecting future ppts from same harm