Cards (25)

  • asphalts were used as cements to hold stonework together in boat building and as waterproofing in pools and baths.
  • Egyptians made use of asphalt in the mummification process and as building materials.
  • bitumen are mainly composed of a mixture of high-molecular hydrocarbons, methane, napthane and other aromatic series and their oxygen or sulphur derivatives.
  • tars are bituminous condensates obtained in the process of destructive distillation of coal, petroleum, wood and other organic materials at high temperature without access of air.
  • tar is composed of hydrocarbons and their sulphurous, nitrous and oxygen derivatives.
  • asphalt on the other hand is a naturally-occurring bitumen which is a combination of an inorganic mineral matter either calcareous or siliceous and an organic matter-a chemical compound of carbon and hydrogen.
  • bitumen is a non-crystalline solid or viscous derived from petroleum, by natural or refinery process and substantially soluble in carbon disulphide.
  • bitumen is asphalt in solid state and mineral tar in semi fluid state.
  • bitumen emulsion is a liquid containing bitumen to a great extent in an aqueous medium.
  • blown bitumen is obtained by passing air under pressure.
  • cut-back bitumen is obtained by fluxing asphaltic bitumen.
  • plastic bitumen consists of bitumen, thinner and suitable inert filler.
  • straight run bitumen is the bitumen being distilled to a definite viscosity.
  • petroleum bitumen is a product of processing crude petroleum residues.
  • residual asphaltums are black or dark-brown solid substances.
  • oxidized bitumen are produced by blowing air through petroleum residues.
  • cracked bitumen are obtained by cracking
  • artificial asphalt - pitch residue. it is formed of an admixture of coal, tar, pitch ground iron slag, sawdust, chalk, etc.
  • cut-back asphalt distillation of asphalt in a volatile solvent.
  • liquid asphalt - viscous residue
  • mastic asphalt - pulverized natural rock
  • refined asphalt is obtained by heating pitch to drive off the water and to draw off the mineral matter by segregating the impurities.
  • rock asphalt is a naturally occurring rock formation.
  • asphaltic cement is prepared by oxidizing asphalt at a high temperature.
  • softening point test - this test is done to determine temperature susceptibility of the bitumen.