Cards (4)

  • elect members of scottish parliamet
  • System
    • voters are given a ballot
    • 1st vote for constituency MSP (most vote wins)
    • 2nd vote for a political party
    • once all votes counted MSP elected
    • 2nd vote used to ensure representation of a political party is fair and additional MSPs elected to regions to make results fair
    • EG. 2016 the conservatives given two more MSPs to get constituency representation
    • greater number of parties represented
    • voters have more choice
    • in favor of proportional representation
    • 2011 5% difference between votes received and MSP elected
    • Several MPS can be confusing
    • coalition / minority government can be hard to form majority
    • extremist parties elected
    • elections become more complicated
    • AMS is not the most proportional system