Cards (3)

  • aim
    • test whether guards would behave brutally due to social role pressures or personality
  • method
    • Zimbardo gathered 24 emotionally stable (through testing) American men, all of which were student volunteers. 
    • These men were then randomly allocated the role of inmate or guard via a coin flip
    • The guards were given mirrored shades, a wooden club, and handcuffs. Inmates were given a cap, loose smocks, and a number.
    • Both inmate and guard were fully encouraged to conform to their roles assigned.
  • findings
    • Findings showed identification occurred quickly and both inmates and guards conformed to their social roles, for example on day 2 inmates staged a rebellion by barricading themselves to the cell to which guards sprayed them with fire extinguishers in retaliation.
    • Guards took full advantage of their power and made sure inmates were aware of this e.g., performing headcounts late at night.
    • On day 4 an inmate had to leave due to psychological disturbances
    • by day 6 the experiment had to be stopped, instead of on day 14.