Cards (4)

  • strength- lab study
    • highly controlled lab study eg cvs and evs- standardised, replicable, reliability + cause and effect relationships
    • replicated- For example, a fake French reality show highlighted 85% of participants would administer fake shocks to an unconscious man whilst being cheered on by the audience. However, although having high replicability and reliability, the tasks lack mundane realism, they are much harsher circumstances which would occur in day to day like, so results lack ecological val.
  • strength- real life application
    • highlights the problem of obedience and how to reduce future obedience to destructive authority.
    • eg the Nazi’s obeyed orders from hitler. awareness for the destructive consequences of obedience can help society establish moral behaviour/social order.
    • However,socially sensitive issue-excusing people who killed innocent people? by stating it was not their personality making them do it, it was obedience to authority= not in line with the judicial system where individuals are expected to take moral responsibility for their actions.
  • limitation- ethical issues
    • break the bps ethical guidelines. For example, deception of aim and allocation of teacher and learner- could not give informed consent. However,deception was needed to avoid demand characteristics which reduce validity of findings.
    • psychological harm- ppts underpressure and showed signs of trembling and sweating.
    • CBA needed- however follow up study, 84% glad they participated, no long-term psychological harm
  • limitation- sample
    • gender bias, all males, beta bias
    • men different hormonal levels eg testosterone, differences in obeying
    • small sample so lacks representivity and generalisability- lowering population val