
Cards (53)

  • ecumenism
    • the aim of promoting unity among the world's christian churches
    • 'all one in Christ'
    • World Council of Churches
  • persecution
    • mistreatment due to ethnicity, religion, sexuality or beliefs
    • 'if one suffers all suffer'
  • pilgrimage
    • a journey to a sacred place
    • Taize
    • Walsingham
    • no direct teaching on pilgrimage so not all Christians feel the need to go on one
  • liturgical worship
    • form of worship
    • formal type of worship
    • contains set prayers, readings or rituals, usually in church setting
  • informal worship
    • form of worship
    • focuses on adoration of God and can take place outside church setting
  • individual worship
    • form of worship
    • takes place in addition to worshipping together in a church
    • beliefs it is important to form a personal relationship with God
  • sacraments
    • an outward sign of an invisible and inward blessing by God
    • e.g. baptism or eucharist
  • eucharist
    • sacrament instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper
    • sharing bread and wine
    • wine- represents Jesus' blood
    • bread- represents Jesus' body
  • eucharist quotes
    • 'this is my body'
    • 'this is my blood'
    • 'do this in remembrance of me'
  • baptism
    • rite of entry to become members of Christian Church
    • believe original sin is removed through the action of baptism
    • follows example of Jesus who was baptised as an adult by John the Baptist
    • believers' baptism gives an individual an opportunity to publicly proclaim their personal faith
  • baptism quotes
    • 'go make disciples of all nations, baptising in name of father, son and holy spirit'
    • ^ also links to evangelism and holy trinity
  • omnibenevolent
    • state of being all loving and infinitely good
    • characteristic attributed to God
    • 'but you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness'
    • 'for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life'
  • omnipotent
    • all powerful, almighty and unlimited nature of God
    • 'then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land.'
    • 'the waters were divided'
  • trinity
    • the three persons of God
    • God the Father
    • God the Son
    • God the Holy Spirit
    • 'I and the father are one'
  • incarnation
    • God becoming human in the form of Jesus
  • atonement
    • the belief that Jesus' death on the cross healed the rift between humans and God
  • resurrection
    • the belief that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, conquering death
  • evangelism
    • preaching of the gospel to others with intention of converting others to the Christian faith
  • Tearfund
    • Christian charity with the aim of helping the poor in many countries throughout the world
  • God is the creator of life
    • 'in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth'
    • 'then God said "let us made mankind in our image, in our likeness..."'
  • why is there evil and suffering?
    • God has given each person free will and people must make their own choices- some choices people make causes evil and suffering
    • there is a force for evil in the world, sometimes characterised as the devil/satan.
    • God shares in our suffering
    • suffering is a test
    • suffering is a result of sin
    • how we deal with suffering gives us the opportunity to become better people- it is soul-shaping
  • Taize
    • site of pilgrimage in France
    • monks at Taize are from different Christian denominations
    • ^ makes it a ecumenical monastic community
  • Walsingham
    • Norfolk
    • holy place since 1061
    • widow of Lord of Manor of Walsingham had a dream where Virgin Mary asked her to build a replica of the house in Nazareth where the birth of Jesus took place
  • omniscience
    • all knowing
  • omnipresence
    • the presence of God everywhere at the same time
  • creation story- GENESIS 1
    day 1 - God created night and day
    day 2- God created the heavens
    day 3- God created land and plants
    day 4- God created the sun, moon and stars
    day 5- God created birds and fish
    day 6- God created living creatures including men
    day 7- God rested
  • creation story- GENESIS 2
    • God creates Adam and Eve
    • 'then the Lord God made a women from the rib he had taken out of the man and he brought her to the man'
  • christmas
    • marks day Jesus was born/incarnated
    • advent begins four Sundays before Christmas to prepare
    • ^ Eastern Orthodox Christians may fast
    • 'christingles' are made to show Jesus was the light of the world- (orange with candle)
    • celebrated by going to church and exchanging gifts
    • non-christians may celebrate it but has no religious significance to them
  • Lent - lead up to Easter
    • remembers time Jesus spent in desert fasting and praying
    • devil tried to tempt him several times during this period but he resisted temptations
    • begins with Ash Wednesday- christians attend special service where they are marked with black ashes in a cross shape on their forehead
    • day of abstinence and fasting
    • Christians often give up something for Lent
    • day before is Shrove Tuesday - opportunity to use up food they would be giving up in Lent
  • Holy Week- lead up to Easter
    • Palm Sunday:
    • commemorates arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem
    • Christians may receive crosses made of palm leaves
    • Maundy Tuesday:
    • remembers Jesus' last meal with his disciples
    • shared bread and wine- body and blood
    • have Holy Communion services ( Mass)
    • Jesus washed his disciples' feet so some priests may wash feet of members of church
    • Good Friday:
    • remember Jesus' death on the cross
    • day of mourning
    • some christians (e.g. Catholics) will fast
    • in some countries there may be re-enactments of the death of Jesus
  • Easter Sunday
    • marks day of Jesus' resurrection
    • most important day in Christian calendar
    • exchanging cards with family and friends
    • exchanging Easter eggs
    • attending church services
    • visiting deceased family and friends
    • personal reading of Bible
    • evening vigil on Saturday of Holy Week
  • role of church in communities
    • 'love your neighbour as yourself'
    • 'love thy neighbour'
    • refreshments after Sunday services
    • weekly meals for homeless
    • food banks
    • coffee mornings for elderly
    • youth clubs
    • mothers' union meetings
  • baptism process

    'no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit' -baptism is practiced by nearly all christian denominations
    ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS: total immersion (infant)
    most christians: use holy oil to make sign of cross on the baby's head before sprinkling the baby with holy water
    • believer's baptism involves total immersion, where the person being baptised walks into a special pool and is fully submerged three times before walking out into their new life
  • the salvation army
    • sets up food kitchens|
    • organising toy collections at christmas
    • operating an advice network
    • running affordable nurseries so that parents can work and provide for their families
    • summer camps and after school clubs to provide children with safe environment to gain independence and life skills
    • attends political conferences to raise concerns of society's most vulnerable people
    • supporting people addicted to substances (drugs, alcohol etc.)
    • fighting to end modern-day slavery
    • organising events for the elderly to reduce isolation
  • open doors
    • raises awareness of Christian persecution
    • campaigns for human rights of Christians to be respected throughout the world
  • reconciliation
    • Christians believe that Jesus was the ultimate example of reconciliation, because his sacrifice healed the broken relationship between God and humanity
  • transcendent
    • outside of this world
  • Job

    A wealthy man who lives in a land called Uz, with his large family and flocks
  • Job

    • Described as a blameless and upright man who is always careful to avoid doing evil
  • Satan argues that Job is only good

    Because God has blessed him