The Key Decision Makers and their Motives

Cards (10)

  • Austria-Hungary Decision makers:
    • Emperor Franz Joseph
    • Leopold Berchtold (Foreign Minister)
    • Franz Conrad von Hotzendorf (Chief of Staff)
  • Austria-Hungary Motives:
    • Long-held desire to crush Serbia
    • Believed lack of action would expose the decline of their empire
    • Believed full mobilisation was needed or they would be exposed to an attack from Russia
  • Germany Decision makers:
    • Kaiser Wilhelm II
    • Bethmann Hollweg (Chancellor)
    • Helmuth von Moltke (Chief of Staff)
  • German Motives:
    • They were initially outraged by the assassination which prompted the ‘blank cheque’
    • Military officials wanted a small-scale war against Russia before its armies grew to large
    • Moltke was keen to show his authority in Germany
  • Russia Decision makers:
    • Tsar Nicholas II
    • Sergey Sazonov (Foreign Minister)
  • Russian Motives:
    • They were determined not to lose their title as ‘Protector of Slavs’
    • Generals asserted themselves onto Tsar and pushed for general mobilisation
    • Concerns over the strength of the Russian army may have convinced officials that mobilisation before the other Powers was better
  • France Decision makers:
    • President Raymond Poincare
    • Rene Viviani (Prime Minister and Foreign Minister)
  • French Motives:
    • Motivated by fear of a strong Germany and their want of revanche
    • They had to support Russia according to the terms of the Dual Alliance
    • Wanted to persuade Britain to announce support for France and Russia in the hope it would encourage Germany to back down
  • Britain Decision makers:
    • Herbert Asquith (Prime Minister)
    • Edward Grey (Foreign Minister)
  • British Motives:
    • Grey was mildly anti-German but mainly hoped to not make any commitments
    • Lloyd George was the highest-ranking cabinet member opposed to war, however, his opposition dropped after the invasion of Belgium
    • Defence of Belgium was an excuse not an actual binding