Cards (51)

  • EARLY MEDIEVAL- ploughing someones land ( seen as a theft of private property)
  • EARLY MEDIEVAL- drunkenness (misbehaviour under the influence of alcohol)
  • EARLY MEDIEVAL- treason (crime against the king)
  • EARLY MEDIEVAL- adultery (cheating on your partner)
  • EARLY MEDIEVAL- assault (harming another member often in a sexual way)
  • EARLY MEDIEVAL- murder (killing someone)
  • EARLY MEDIEVAL- theft (stealing)
  • the crimes in the EARLY MEDIEVAL time was against the person, property or authority
  • NORMAN (1066)- breaking the forest laws (cant hunt, cant cut trees, cant carry weapons
  • NORMAN (1066)- killing a norman, moral crimes and poaching (killing of an animal)
  • in the NORMAN (1066) era the other crimes from the early medieval era still continued
  • LATER MEDIEVAL- all the crimes from early medieval and norman continued
  • MEDIEVAL LAW ENFORCEMENT (1000-1500)- early medieval, tithings (age 12+ , 10 men, responsible for each other
  • MEDIEVAL LAW ENFORCEMENT (1000-1500)- early medieval (hue and cry, as a village chasing the criminal)
  • MEDIEVAL LAW ENFORCEMENT (1000-1500)- early medieval ( trial by ordeal (hot water for men, cold water for men and hot iron for women or witches)
  • MEDIEVAL LAW ENFORCEMENT (1000-1500)- early medieval trial by ordeal for priests and clergy (blessed bread)
  • MEDIEVAL LAW ENFORCEMENT (1000-1500)- early medieval trial by jury ( local members) and prisons used as a place to hold criminals only
  • NORMAN (1066-1200) LAW ENFORCEMENT- trial by combat (fighting)
  • NORMAN (1066-1200) LAW ENFORCEMENT- foresters (reinforce the forest laws)
  • NORMAN (1066-1200) LAW ENFORCEMENT- church and royal courts (neck verse) sanctuary for 40 days, (benefit of the clergy) + other enforcements continued
  • LATER MEDIEVAL (1200-1500) LAW ENFORCEMENT- sherrif (led the hue and cry)
  • LATER MEDIEVAL (1200-1500) LAW ENFORCEMENT- possee (if hue and cry failed)
  • LATER MEDIEVAL (1200-1500) LAW ENFORCEMENT- coroner (unnatural deaths) from 1190
  • LATER MEDIEVAL (1200-1500) LAW ENFORCEMENT- parish constables
  • LATER MEDIEVAL (1200-1500) LAW ENFORCEMENT- trail by cold water |(accused is lowered into cold water by a rope in 'sank' innocent it 'float' guilty)
  • LATER MEDIEVAL (1200-1500) LAW ENFORCEMENT- trial by hot water (hand placed in boiling water then bandaged to see if it heals)
  • LATER MEDIEVAL (1200-1500) LAW ENFORCEMENT- trial by hot iron ( accused picked up red hot weight and walked 3 paces)
  • LATER MEDIEVAL (1200-1500) LAW ENFORCEMENT- trial by blessed bread ( priest prayed (accused chokes on the break (lied) and found guilty))
  • KING- people believe he was chosen by God to defend the country and uphold the law
  • PEASANTS- the majority of the people that worked on land looked out for each other in the village to make sure it was lawful
  • CHURCH- an important organisation separate from the king
  • NOBLES- kings main supporters expected to keep law and order in their lands
  • RETRIBUTION-to get revenge
  • DETERRENCE- to scare others
  • REFORM- to help the accused to get a better behaviour
  • REMOVAL-to remove people from society
  • CAPITAL PUNISHMENT- death penalty
  • CORPORAL PUNISHMENT- physically painful punishment
  • EARLY MEDIEVAL PUNISHMENT-stocks and pillories