typically more likely to obey due to absolute respect for authority
contempt for those of lower social status
extreme respect for authority
see society as weaker now- believe more traditional values needed
inflexible outlook- believe everything right or wrong
origins of AP
harsh parenting:
high standards
conditional love
expectations of absolute loyalty
how harsh parenting leads to AP
leads to resentment in a child which cannot be expressed to parents due to fear of punishment and is therefore reflected onto those they percieve as weaker= skape goating
adorno et al
wanted to understand anti-Semitism in the holocaust and conducted research which developed the F-scale.
He studied over 2000 white, American, middle-class, and their unconsciousattitudes to other ethnic groups.
People with an AP scored high on the F scale, they identified w the strong and show contempt for the weak + showed respect for those of a higher status along w very black and white thinking (fixed stereotypes).