Exam Score: 5

Cards (198)

  • Asynchronous
    Channels of communication that allows the sender and receiver to take turns as in texting or email
  • Creative Commons Licensing
    Guidelines whereby content creators allow or limit your use to copy, edit, remix, build upon, or distribute all or parts of their work
  • Crowdfunding
    Raising money for a project or venture by obtaining many small amounts of money from many people
  • Crowdsourcing
    Inviting broad communities of people - customers, employees, independent scientists and researchers, and even the public at large - into the new product innovation process
  • Data Mining
    The process of analyzing data to extract information not offered by the raw data alone
  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
    Makes it illegal to circumvent technology-based protections of copyrighted materials
  • Machine Learning
    Leverages massive amounts of data so that computers can act and improve on their own without additional programming.
  • Open Source
    Online applications and resources which are available to the general public with very few restrictions
  • Plagiarism
    Taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
  • Synchronous
    Occurring at the same time
  • Big Data
    The huge and complex data sets generated by today's sophisticated information generation, collection, storage, and analysis technologies
  • Classifying Data
    Grouping things together based on how they are alike
  • Cleaning Data
    Making data ready for computational analysis which can include correcting or deleting invalid values and categorizing free-text data
  • Collaboration
    The action of working with someone to produce or create something
  • Filtering Data
    Removing parts of data sets to simplify data and/or to make conclusions more evident
  • Lossless Data Compression
    Reduces the file size without any loss of data quality
  • Lossy Data Compression

    Data compression technique where the number of bits needed to store or transmit information is reduced, but the original data cannot be reconstructed
  • Metadata
    Data that describes other data
  • Patterns in Data
    Finding these patterns takes "data mining" which finds new or unexpected patterns
  • Pixel
    Short for "picture element" it is the fundamental unit of a digital image, typically a tiny square or dot which contains a single point of color of a larger image.
  • Privacy
    The state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people
  • Scalability
    Describes how well a system can scale up, or adapt to the increased demands of growth
  • Security
    The state of being free from danger or threat
  • Server Farm
    Where many large computers are located in one place for the purpose of processing data
  • digital divide The idea that some communities or populations have less access to computing than others typically due to limitations of Internet speed or computer hardware access
  • crowdsourcing A model in which many online users combine efforts to help fund projects generate ideas or create goods or services (like Wikipedia)
  • citizen science Crowdsourcing for science! The participation of volunteers from the public in a scientific research project (like collecting rain samples or counting butterflies)
  • Creative Commons An alternative to copyright that allows people to declare how they want their artistic creations to be shared remixed used in noncommercial contexts and how the policy should propagate with remixed versions
  • open access A policy that allows people to have access to documents (like research papers) for reading or data (like government datasets) for analysis
  • PII (Personally identifiable information) Information about an individual that can be used to uniquely identify them (directly or indirectly)
  • multifactor authentication (MFA) A method of user authentication which requires the user to present multiple pieces of evidence in multiple categories (such as knowledge and possession)
  • encryption The process of scrambling data to prevent unauthorized access
  • symmetric encryption A technique for encrypting data where the same key is used to both encrypt and decrypt data
  • public key encryption An asymmetric encryption technique that uses different keys for encrypting versus decrypting data
  • cookie A small amount of text that tracks information about a user visiting a website
  • virus A type of computer malware that can make copies of itself
  • phishing An attack where a user is tricked into revealing private information often via a deceptive email
  • rogue access point A wireless access point that provides an attacker with unauthorized access to the traffic going over the network
  • Algorithm Set of steps to solve a problem or complete a task.
  • API (Application Program Interface) Contains specifications for how the procedures in a library behave and can be used.