proposed by rotter and is defined as a measurement of an individual’s sense of control they have over their own life.
internal LOC v external LOC
An individual with an internal loc believe they are responsible for their own behaviour whereas someone with an external loc believe their behaviour is down to luck or fate(examples).
An external locus of control increases an individual’s likelihood to conform or obey, as they can easily shift the responsibility of their actions onto something else and act on behalf of another person (agentic state).
internal LOC
someone with an internal locus of control is more likely to resist social influence as they
take responsibility for their own actions
make decisions based on their own moral code.
These individuals are active seekers of their own information so don’t rely on others,
they are self-confident-leader not a follower
social support
when the presence of a dissenter resisting socialinfluence can act as a rolemodel and show it is possible whilst also increasing confidence of the individual to do the same.
social support- aschs study
For example, in Asch’s study when participants were joined by a dissenter conformity fell to 5.5%. This is because is gave individuals some confidence in their owncorrect answer and gave them confidence to reject the majority.