Chapter 19: endocrine system

Cards (49)

  • functions of the endocrine system 

    ductless glands that secrete hormones, hormones will travel to various organs and cause physiological effects
  • 3 types of hormonal stimulation
    1. humoral stimuli 2. neural stimuli 3. hormonal stimuli
  • what are humoral stimuli?
    too much or lack of specific ions or nutrients in blood stimulate hormone production
  • what are neural stimuli
    nerves signals stimulate hormone production
  • what are hormonal stimuli
    one hormone induces the productions and release of another hormone
  • negative vs. positive feedback
    -negative feedback loop when enough hormone is bloodstream.
    • positive feedback loop when not enough hormone is in bloodstream
  • know the names and functions of all the endocrine organs
    pineal, hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries/testers
  • pineal gland
    secretes melatonin
  • hypothalamus
    hormonal control center
  • pituitary gland
    anterior pituitary gland cell type
  • anterior pituitary gland cell types
    1. lactotrophs
    2. thyrotropes
    3. corticotropes
    4. gonadotrops
    5. somatotrope
  • lactotrophs
    produce prolactin.
  • prolactin
    stimulates milk productions
  • thyrotropes
    • produce thyroid-stimulating hormone
    • affects metabolism
    • stimulates the thyroid glands to secrete hormones
  • corticotropes
    produces adrenocortoctropes hormone and melanocyte-stimulating hormone
    • stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete hormones to cope with stress
  • gonadotropes
    follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • FSH and LH affect
  • FSH and LH stimulate
    the production of gametes
  • somatotropes
    produces growth hormone
    affects growth during childbirth and metabolism in adult
    directly it causes growth in children
    indirectly it causes liver to secrete insulin-like growth factors
  • posterior pituitary
    1. secretes antidiuretic hormone
    2. secretes oxytocin
  • secretes antidiuretic hormone 

    stimulates the resorption of more water from the kidneys to the bloodstream (ie. concentrates urine)
  • secrets oxytocin
    stimulates childbirth
    bonding: "happy" hormone
  • thyroid
    • located on the trachea
    • 2 lobes
  • the thyroid gland produces which hormones?
  • the thyroid gland produces which hormones? 

    thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and calcitonin
  • T3 and T4 affect?

    basal metabolic rate
  • produces is secretes when 

    when blood calcium levels are high
  • calcitonin function

    slows the rate of calcium release by bone and increase calcium secretions by kidney
  • parathyroid glands produce and secrete 

    parathyroid hormones
  • parathyroid hormone 

    increase calcium levels in the blood
    increasing calcium release by bone
    decrease calcium secreation by kidney secretion
  • adrenal glands
    1. adrenal medulla
    2. adrenal cortex
  • adrenal medulla
    secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
  • adrenal cortex layer
    1. zona glmerulosa: secretes aldosterone
    2. zona fasciculate: secretes cortisol
    3. zona reticularis: secretes cortisol
  • aldosterone
    stimulates the kidneys to absorb more sodium into the blood to maintain BP
  • cortisol is released in response to
  • function of cortisol
    keeps glucose levels in blood high enough to support brian activity
  • endocrine cells of pancreas are located 

    pancreatic islets
  • alpha cells secrete
  • beta cells secrete
  • delta cells secrete