Cards (38)

  • Flag/Nameplate
    The engraved or printed name or logo/symbol of the newspaper
  • Folio
    Publication information (e.g. the date, page number, volume/issue number) often located under the nameplate
  • Ears
    Little boxes in either or both sides of the nameplate
  • Headline
    Any title of any story in the newspaper
  • Streamer
    A newspaper headline that runs across the entire page
  • Umbrella
    A streamer that is placed at the very top of the page above the nameplate of the newspaper
  • Banner Head
    The principal headline which is usually written in the boldest and biggest font
  • Running Head
    Headline with two or more lines
  • Strapline/Reverse Shoulder
    A headline written beneath the main headline, and is smaller than the main headline
  • Subhead
    One or two-word headline inserted at the head of a paragraph to break the monotony of a solid column of type
  • Kicker/Shoulder
    A tagline above but smaller than the main headline
  • Hammer/Barker
    A tagline above but bigger than the main headline
  • Deck
    Used to describe each line in a newspaper headline
  • Box
    Any news material enclosed by line rules
  • Body Copy
    The main part of a story
  • Sidebar
    A short story related to the main story and run adjacent to it
  • Filler
    A short item (e.g. infographics) that is used to fill up space on a newspaper page
  • Infographic
    An art form where words are used with charts, illustrations, graphs or photographs to tell a news story
  • Teaser/Window
    A front-page box that lists the important stories run on inside pages
  • Byline
    Name or pseudonym of the reporter who prepared the news
  • Dateline
    The name of the city from where a story originated and the date on which it was written
  • Cutline/Caption
    The text accompanying photos or other art works
  • Overline
    A cutline written or shown above the photo
  • Credit Line
    A line given as a pay of respect to the source of the story or illustration printed
  • Jump Story
    A story from one page that is continued in another page
  • Jump Line

    Used to inform the reader of the page and column number where he can find the rest of the story
  • Jump Page
    The page on which stories are continued or jumped
  • Column Story
    A weekly or fortnightly article written by a seasoned commentator, who is either a journalist or a specialist
  • Editorial/Leader
    The article that represents the newspaper's opinion
  • Editorial Cartoon
    Graphic expressions of the cartoonist's ideas and opinions
  • Letters to the Editor
    Letters sent from readers that often include strong opinions about something the newspaper has published
  • Editorial Box
    Contains the members of the editorial board who dictate the tone and direction the publication's editorial policy will take
  • Erratum
    Correction of a production error (i.e., an error introduced during the publishing process)
  • Corrigendum
    Correction of an author's error
  • Columns
    Horizontal divisions of the parts or texts of a newspaper
  • Pull-quote
    A brief, attention-catching quotation, typically in a distinctive typeface, taken from the main text of an article and used as a graphic feature
  • Fold
    Imaginary horizontal lines that divide the paper equally into two
  • Photos
    Pictures that accompany or supplement a news story