cognitive approach to explaining depression - becks neg triad
beck said people’s cognitions caused vulnerabilities to depression
faulty info processing - attend to negative aspects and ignore positive, tends towards absolutist thinking
negative self schema - framework of beliefs built through experience, act as template for interpretation of sensory information. they interpret all info about themselves and the world negatively
negative triad - develops dysfunctional view of themselves because of thinking negatively about self, world, future
all enhance depressive thoughts
one strength of beck is
research support
cognitive vulnerability are ways of thinking that predispose depression
clark and beck - vulnerabilities more common in patients and also preceded depression
confirmed in prospective study of Cohen
confirms association and gives scientific credibility
one strength of beck
application in screening and treatment
cohen concluded assessing cog vuln allows psychologists to screen young people, identifying those most at risk and monitor them
understanding cog vuln applied to treatments - CBT, therapy alters cognitions to stop vulnerability to depression
cog approach to explaining depression Ellis ABC
Ellis proposed good MH is result of rational thinking, poor is irrational thoughts that interfere with us feeeling happy
ABC model explains how irrational thoughts affect behaviour
A - activating event - situation where irrational thoughts are triggered by external events
B - belief - range of irrational belief eg Utopianism (life always meant to be fair)
C - consequences - emotional and behavioural consequence of irrational belief, depression may be consequence This
one strength of ellis
RWA in treatment
REBT involves arguing with patient to alter IB which are making them unhappy
David - evidence to support that REBT can change neg beliefs and also symptoms of depression
one limitation of Ellis
only explains reactive depression
depression triggered by activating event, how we respond to event also seems to be result of irrational belief
cant explain endogenous depression where not traceable to life evenets
limited explanation cannot be applied to all cases
cog approach to treat depression - CBT
application of Becks cognitive theory
begins with assessment where work together to clarify problems, jointly identify goals and plan to achieve them
identify where might be negative irrational thoughts
work to change thoughts to put effective behaviour in place
identify automatic thoughts about triad and challenge them
reality test the neg beliefs through homework where evidence produced client as scientist
strength of cbt
March - compared Cbt to AD as well as combination , 81% cbt and 86% combo , just as effective as AD and more so when used together
also cost effective as only 6-12 session
widely seen as first choice of treatment for public service nhs
one limitation of CBT
unsuitable for diverse client
depression so severe cannot moticste to engage with cognitive work of CBT, reducing its effect
complex rational thought unsuitable for learning difficulties (Sturmey)
only effective for some cases
cog approach to treatment - REBT
Ellis rational emotive behaviour therapy
extends ABC to Dispute Effect
identify and challenge belief with vigorous argument to change IB to break link between negative event and depression
dipsute either empirical argument - dispute whether evidence or logical dispute whether follows logically from fact
behavioural activation - reinforcing activities that prevent isolation and avoidance, as depression increases so does avoidance which worsens or maintains symptoms
one strength of REBT
90% success rate with average 27 sessions
effective and fast - NHS
meta analysis - REBT second highest success rate of therapies
biased as ellis devised therapy and conducted study
one limitation of REBT
only works by changing faulty thinking, doesn’t explain what caused the cognitive process. if cause not addressed it may just mask symptoms and depression will reoccur in long term