Theory of planned behaviour

Cards (14)

  • Personal Attitudes - this is our negative or positive feelings towards the behaviour change.
  • Positive attitudes will increase behaviour intention.
  • Negative attitudes will decrease intention to change.
  • Subjective norms - beliefs about how those close to us view our current or future behaviours.
  • Perceived behaviour control - an individuals belief in their ability to change.
  • Perceived behaviour control will affect how long and hard people will try to change their behaviour.
  • Positive attitudes to alcohol = drinking alcohol.
  • Weak perception of control is correlate with too much drinking.
  • Confidence in ability to drink = actual consumption of drink.
  • TPB is missing anticipated regret.
  • Anticipated regret is the extent a person thinks they would regret not making changes to behaviour.
  • TPB has a wide range of applications and can be applied to more the alcohol consumption.
  • TPS is more descriptive than explanatory and the relationship between intention and behaviour isn’t explained.
  • Positive attitudes towards healthy eating predicted intention to actual healthy eating.