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  • the nervous system is constantly active
  • hundreds of messages are being carried by special strings of cells called neurons or nerve cells
  • neurons do not reproduce unlike other cells
  • a neuron has a nucleus, axoplasm & organelles just like the rest of our body's cells.
  • parts of a neuron: cell body
    largest part of the neuron
  • parts of a neuron: nucleus
    located within the cell body and controls the activities of the cell
  • parts of a neuron: dendrites
    receive & carry information towards the cell body (away from the previous neutron)
  • parts of a neuron: myelin sheath
    covers the axon & speeds up the travel of nerve impulses
  • parts of a neuron: axon
    carries nerve impulses away from the cell body (towards the next neuron)
  • parts of a neuron: axon terminal
    passes on messages to the dendrites of other neurons
  • types of neurons: sensory neuron (afferent neurons)

    • these receive the initial stimuli from receptors
    • sends information to the spinal cord then to the brain
    • this is the reason why sense organs are sensitive & respond to external stimuli
  • types of neurons: interneuron (connector / association neurons)

    • reads the impulses sent from sensory neurons
    • found in the central nervous system
    • determines what response should be generated
    • if required, the interneuron passes the impulse on to the motor neurons
  • types of neurons: motor neuron (efferent neuron)

    • transmits impulses from the brain & spinal cord to the effector cell / organ
    • they stimulate as an effector to generate the reaction for the stimulus
  • responding to a stimulus:
    • a nerve impulse is a wave of chemical & electrical signals that is conducted along the membrane of a neuron.
    • however the neurons dont touch, there is a tiny gap between them called a synapse.
    • they "jump" from one neuron to another through neurotransmitters, these are chemical messengers stores in small sacs
    • a reflex is an automatic response to a change in the environment / stimulus
  • divisions of the nervous system: central nervous system
    • command center of the entire body
    • processes information & sends instructions to the rest of the body
    • sends nerve impulses to the motor neurons of the peripheral nervous system
    • the brain is the main control center
    • the spinal cord is the link of the brain to the rest of the body
  • divisions of the nervous system: brain
    • important & delicate organ that is protected & encased in the skull
    • the cerebrospinal fluid cushions it against impact
  • the brain: cerebrum
    • 85% of the human brain
    • surface is called the cerebral cortex
    • learning, intelligence & judgement
    • voluntary actions
    • left hemisphere: logic
    • right hemisphere: arts
  • the brain: cerebellum
    • located behind the brain stem
    • actions of the muscles
    • maintains balance
    • equilibrium, posture & coordination
  • the brain: brain stem

    • connects spinal cord to the brain
    • coordinates breathing, sleeping, heartrate etc.
  • the brain: brain stem, medulla oblongata
    controls involuntary movements
  • the brain: brain stem, midbrain
    processes visual & auditory reflexes
  • the brain: brain stem, pons
    controls respiratory functions
  • the brain: brain stem, thalamus
    a relay station & disseminates information to the rest of the brain
  • the brain: brain stem, hypothalamus

    • connects endocrine & nervous system
    • water content
    • temperature control
  • the brain: spinal cord
    • tubelike organ of neurons and blood vessels
    • inside the backbone covered by a protective membrane called meninges
  • the peripheral nervous system
    • links the CNS to the rest of the body
    • made up of nerves which branch out to the rest of the body
  • the somatic nervous system

    • mostly voluntary actions under your skeletal muscles
    • involuntary, spinal reflexes
  • the autonomic nervous system

    • controls involuntary actions
  • the autonomic nervous system: parasympathetic nervous system

    active under normal conditions
  • the autonomic nervous system: sympathetic nervous system

    fight or flight response during stressful situations
  • infections of the nervous system
    • encephalitis
    • meningitis
    • rabies
    • tetanus
  • neurodivergent disorders
    • epilepsy
    • alzheimer disease
    • parkinsons disease
  • sense organs
    • sense is the ability to perceive stimuli
    • structures that carry messages about your surroundings to the CNS
  • sense organs: general

    somatic senses
    • information about the environment
    visceral senses
    • information about internal organs
  • sense organs: special
    • react to light, smells & chemicals
    • localized in specific parts of the body
  • Geosphere
    • Solid part of the earth
    • Rocks
    • Minerals
    • Landforms
  • layers of the earth
    • crust
    • mantle
    • core
  • crust (lithosphere)

    • outermost layer of the earth
    • Thinnest layer (5-70 kilometers in thickness)
  • continental crust
    Thicker layer (35 kilometers thick), found under the continents
  • oceanic crust
    Thinner layer (7 kilometers thick), found under ocean basins