
Cards (9)

  • Mastery experiences is when an individual gets to practice a new skill and demonstrate our capabilities to ourselves.
  • A mastery experience will strengthen our belief in our ability for similar tasks in the future
  • Vicarious experience - is when we see an individual be rewarded or punished for a behaviour and decide whether they want repeat that behaviour.
  • Social persuasion - this is the encouragement we receive from others.
  • Social persuasion only works if the persuader is credible.
  • Emotional states - people need to be emotionally well to maintain high levels of self-efficacy.
  • Self-efficacy theory can be used to help us understand the treatment needs of different people.
  • The concept of vicarious experiences can be applied to encourage others to their behaviour. (Weight watchers).
  • High self-efficacy can lead to some people underestimating the amount of effort they need to put into tasks.