7. Features of Science

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    1. Features of Science
    Scientific Method:
    Wundt’s new ‘scientific‘ approach to psychology based on 2 major assumptions.
    • All behaviour seen as being caused (determined).
    • If determined/caused, then should be possible to predict how humans would behave in different conditions (predictability).
  • 2. Features of Science
    What is the scientific method?
    Use of investigative methods that are…
    • Objective.
    • Systematic.
    • Replicable.
  • 3. Features of Science
    • Scientists aim to be objective in investigations.
    • Keep ‘critical distance’ in research.
    • No personal opinions/biases.
    • High control e.g. lab exp.
  • 3a. Features of Science
    Objectivity - Empirical Method:
    • Empirical method emphasises importance of data collection based on direct, sensory experience.
    • Experimental method + observational method are good examples of empirical method.
    • Theory can‘t be scientific unless empirically tested + verified (by experiment or observation).
  • 4. Features of Science
    • Determines validity of findings (Poppers hypothetic-deductive method).
    • If scientific theory ’trusted’, findings from it must be shown to be repeatable across diff contexts (generalisability).
  • 5. Features of Science
    • 1930s, Karl Popper asserted key criterion of scientific theory is falsifiability.
    • Popper suggested scientific theories should be up for hypothesis testing + possibility of being proven false.
    • Believed even when scientific principle successfully/repeatedly tested, not necessarily true.
    • Alternative hypothesis must be accompanied by null hypothesis.
    • Pseudoscience = can’t be falsified.
  • 6. Features of Science
    Theory Construction + Hypothesis Testing:
    • Test theories.
    • Theory = general laws/principles explaining events/behaviours.
    • Theory Construction = gathering evidence through direct observation, using empirical method.
  • 6a. Features of Science
    Theory Construction + Hypothesis Testing:
    • Hypothesis Testing = possible to make precise predictions on basis of theory.
    • Scientifically tested.
    • Theories should suggest a number of possible hypothesis.
    • Process of deriving new hypothesis from existing theory = deduction.
  • 7. Features of Science
    The Scientific Method:
    1. Formulate Question.
    2. Construct Hypothesis.
    3. Research + Observations.
    4. Test/Experiment.
    5. Analyse + Conclude.
    6. Confirm Hypothesis - Yes/No?
    7. Report (if said Yes).
    8. If said No, back to step 1.
  • 8. Features of Science
    • Thomas Kuhn suggested that what distinguishes scientific disciplines from non-scientific disciplines is a shared set of assumptions = paradigm.
    • Suggestd psych lacks universally accepted paradigm; best seen as ‘pre-science’.
    • Natural sciences characterised by having number of principles at their core, accepted by most people.
    • e.g. evolution, planet orbits sun, etc.
  • 8a. Features of Science
    • Kuhn, psych too many internal disagreements + too many conflicting approaches to be a science so is pre-science.
  • 8b. Features of Science
    Paradigm Shift:
    • Kuhn, progress within particular science occurs when there’s a scientific revolution.
    • Group of researchers begin questioning accepted paradigm.
    • Occurs when too much contradictory evidence.
    • Kunh argues psych not undergone paradigm shift.
  • 9. Features of Science
    Evaluation - Strengths:
    • Knowledge acquired using scientific methods more than just passive acceptance of facts.
    • Causes of behaviour can be established through use of methods that are empirical/replicable.
    • Scientific knowledge self-corrective meaning can be refined/abandoned.
  • 9a. Features of Science
    Evaluation - Limitations:
    • Psychologists create contrived situations = artifical behaviours = lack ecological validity.
    • Subject matter unobservable, can’t be measured w/ any degree of accuracy.
    • Not all psychologists share view that human behaviour explored through scientific methods.
  • 10. Features of Science
    Falsifiability - theory cannot be considered scientific unless it admits possibility of being found untrue.
    Objectivity - minimising all sources personal bias to prevent distortion/influence on research process.
    Paradigm - set of assumptions/methods within scientific discipline.
  • 10a. Features of Science
    Deduction - process of deriving new hypotheses from an existing theory.
    Empirical Method - scientific process of gathering evidence through direct observation + experience.
    Replicability - extent to which scientific procedures/findings can be repeated by other researchers.
    Paradigm Shift - significant change in dominant unifying theory within scientific discipline, brought about by new findings/understandings.