IF A&B CRITICAL TRANSPORT. Incourage feeding/drinking. Transfer if high risk baby, less than 2 months old, Reported periods of apnoea, diminished feeding, hypoxia (SATS <95%). Tachycardiac, tachypnoeic or irregular breathing.
Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI)
Common in winter - Tonsillitis/sore throat, otitis media, common cold, rhinosinusitis, Acute cough/bronchitis.
Primary survey, Provide respiratory support if required, encourage fluid intake to increase hydration, advise rest, analgesia, consider antipyretic. Refer to GP if left at home
URTI/LRTI take to further care if
Under 2, Unable to take meds orally, Dehydrated, Severe DIB, Concerns of meningoccal disease, diminshed fluid intake.
What is croup?
Inflammed around the larynx, Acute, usually self limiting, 6months-3years, Summer and autumn, Follow a cold.
Consider dexmethasone, Oxyegen as per JRCALC, Upright positon, Calm approach, Must transfer.
what is Epiglottisis
Inflammation of the epiglottis and potentially fatal.
Causes of epiglotitis
Bacteria infection or injury, Rare due to HIB vaccine.
Symptoms of Epiglotitis
Fever, Unwell/distressed, Stridor, Difficult and painful to swallow, Sitting up/drooling/chin forwards.
Febrile illness
Most common illness. Underlying infection. Temp over 38 is likley, over 6 month age is likely.
Febrile illness assessment
Temp, Duration of illness, Other symptoms, fluid intake, underlying conditons, med history, contact with ilness, family hx and travel hx.
Febrile illness assessment pt2
ABC - Tachypnoea, tachycardia, consider sepsis or meningoccal disease. Use NICE traffic light tool.
Managment for febrile ilness
ANtipyretics, paracetamol, ibuprofen.
Febrile illness requiring hospital
Any 'red' NICE criteria, Any febrile child under 5 without obvious cause. Signs of serious illness, Recieved antiobiotics last 48 hours with fever. Immuno supressed. Social/psychological concerns for welfare, consider 'amber' patients.
Febrile - temp. Brain insults, epilepsy, convulsive status epilepticus.
Convulsion assessment and managment
NP, Oxygen in active seizure, Oxygen 94-98% in post ictal, assess BM, temp, spo2, assess for rash. Prepare with BVM and convey to A&E.
Childhood gastroenteritis
10% of under 5s will have. SUdden onset diarrhoea and vommiting, dehydration , resolves whithin 1-2weeks (D) 2-3 days (V).
COnsider alternative diagnosis of gastroenteritis if the following are present
>38 in over 3, >39 in under 3.. SOB/tachypnoea, altered consiousness, neck stiffness, bulging fontanelle in infants, non-blanching rash, blood or mucas in stool, billous vomit, seriour abdo pain
Gastroenteritis managment
Encourage fluids, Convey to hosp if risk of dehydration.