Have a blood vascular system (hemal system) with heart but it's usually rudimentary and its function unclear
Nervous system
No brain or centralized processing area
Tube feet are innervated
Circumoral ring and radial nerves branching from it help coordinate movement of arms and movement of the starfish
Many starfish have small jaw-like pedicellariae on body surface to protect against animals and debris
Removal of nitrogen wastes (mainly ammonia) through body surface, dermal branchiae/papullae, tube feet
Amoeboid cells can also engulf nitrogen wastes and move them to the outside
1. Dioecious
2. Produce characteristic ciliated, free-swimming, planktonic larva
3. External fertilization
4. Some can reproduce asexually by fragmentation
5. Many have excellent powers of regeneration
A wide variety of other animals make their homes in or on echinoderms, including algae, protozoa, ctenophores, turbellaria, barnacles, copepods, decapods, snails, clams, polychaetes, fish and other echinoderms