Cards (4)

  • strength- ISI- asch
    • in variation of aschs study, when answers were written down conformity fell to 12.5%
    • no normative social pressures- increases reliability of explanation
  • strength- isi- lucas et al
    • ppts conformity increased with hard maths problems
    • more unaware of the answers so accept the groups answers as correct
    • increases reliability
  • limitation- NSI
    • individual differences influence application of NSI
    • researchers found group called N-affiliators which are people concerned with being liked, more likely to conform based on NSI
    • idiographic approach needs to be taken when studying explanation
  • limitation- interacting
    • difficult to establish if NSI or ISI is present in research or real life
    • difficult to seperate them both in order to study as both processes typically work parallel to eachother in real life