gives them a higher status and greater sense of legitimacy, obedience much higher when experimenter wore a grey lab coat as opposed to normal clothes, when researcher swapped out for normalpedestrian, however DC’s particularly evident in this condition, participants could see through this deception.
Location= person more likely to obey when someone is in a location linked to a higher status and legitimacy
Milgram’s study conducted as prestigious yale university so obedience higher here than when same experiment was conducted in a run-down office.
Prestigious nature of locations demands obedience from people and potentially increases trust placed in researcher.
more likely to obey when less able to see the negativeconsequences of their own actions or are in closer proximity to authority figure which increases the pressure on individual to obey.
In Milgram’s study, obedience higher when researcher in same room (62.5%) as opposed to different room giving remote instruction over the phone (20.5%) obedience.