social change

Cards (5)

  • social change
    • shift in the beliefs or behaviour of an entire population
    • previously widely accepted norm changes to something new
  • minority influence
    • main cause of social change, minority group manages to persuade majority to adopt their view via being committed, flexible and consistant
    • minority must have internal locus of control to resist compliance and disobey authority to drive their point into limelight
  • snow ball effect
    • when minority begins to be successful, new idea spreads and build up over time to eventually be adopted by majoritt opinion
    • conversion is higher than number of people with previous majority opinion
    • new majority tends to be inforced by law- people forced to obey
  • example
    shift in attitudes towards race and sexuality- used to be norm now it is a hateful act and classed as illegal
  • explain how social influence processes contribute to social change(4)
    • minorities contribute via flexibility, consistancy and commitment(explain)
    • through social crypto-amnesia and snowball effect minority gradually becomes majority
    • influence of obediance-changes to the laws
    • majority influence can occur via normative social influence